91talk 发表于 2019-6-26 12:28:01

看美剧学高频短语:Out of the question

Out of the question:to be an event that cannot possibly happen:having no chance; not allowed or permitted. (没得商量、免谈,完全不可能)

中文译义:"Out of the question"这个短语通常用来表示对某人坚决的回绝,或者直言不讳评论某件事情不可能发生。在这里,值得一提的是:与之相对应的表达“out of question”虽然与本短语仅相差一个定冠词“the”,但两个短语的意义却是完全相对。(out of question是指:毋庸置疑、没有问题)

英语高频短语"Out of the question"在美剧语料库中的相关例句:
E.G.1:To have strange men prodding and prying around the house, to say nothing of pocketing the spoons. It's out of the question!
E.G.2:He's also being arraigned for the murder of his mother and his stepfather. I guess bail is out of the question?
英语高频短语“Out of the question”情景会话(摘自美剧『 绝望的主妇』S02E21)
https://www.91talk.com/VIP/clips/Idioms/O/Out.of.the.question.mp4Bree:Andrew, I am having Peter over for dinner tomorrow night, Andrew 我邀请了Peter 明天晚上过来吃晚饭
and I was wondering if you would like to invite Justin? 你要不要邀请Justin来?
Andraw:Yeah. Um, thanks. I'll... I'll call him tonight. 好 谢谢 我晚上给他电话
Daniel:Since you two are having your boyfriends over, can I invite Matthew?你们都把男朋友带回来了 我是不是也可以邀请Matthew?
Bree:Out of the question.免谈
Daniel:So let me get this straight. You can date a lush, and he can bring over his gay lover, 让我们说明白点吧:你能和酒鬼好 他能带同性恋人回家
but God forbid I date a hot black guy. 但是我就不能和性感的黑人约会?
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