You said it is a very difficult decision topostpone the legislative election why is that?Well, first of allThis legislative council election is ageneral electionthat is held once every four years and we all know that whenever we have a generalelection of the legislative councilIt's highly competitive, so a lot of peoplewant to get into the legislative counciland of course prior to our decision we all know that Hong Kong has gone througha very difficulthighly politicized and very polarizedsituation so at this point in time for the chiefexecutive to take a decision to postpone the election will give rise to all sorts of speculationsbut ultimately nothing is more importantthan life than the safety of Hong Kong peopleSo when the COVID-19 epidemic suddenlyre-emerged fromfrom the first week in July and then the situation deteriorated to suchan extent thatwe got very worried whether we still havethe conditions to conduct a fair and safe general electionand the conclusion is we could not run therisk Although I did not have a crystal ball infront of meto foresee the situation on the 6th ofSeptemberbut we all know that election is not justabout the activities on the voting day there would be a lot of electioneeringactivities which will gather crowds of people and, andso on and so on so it was indeed a very difficult decisionto makeBut I have to say that this is the rightdecision to make and talking about speculations you justsaidspecifically I heard they say that you'reusing COVID-19 as an excusebecause some are afraid of losing in theupcoming legislative electionHow do you respond? If the chief executive was so powerful tomanipulate the situation of the epidemic to createconfirmed cases to admit people into hospitals and I have nothing to say, but that issimply unrealisticWe all have all these figures in front ofus and all this fatalities Well before I make the decision that isbefore the first week of July Hong Kong has only a thousand two hundred confirmedcases and less than 10 fatal cases Now we have 4500 and the number of deaths went up to 60somethingSo isn't it a very severe situation thatany government leader will have to address it very seriously so despite the inevitable speculations oreven some overseas attacks on the administration and on myselfI think this is a responsible decision tomake and in fact if one moves away from thisbias and prejudiceand try to look at what the rest of theworld is doingaccording to some international think tanksthe number of countries and territoriesthat havethe schedule election postponedis more than the number of countriesthat continue with the scheduled electionjust called a very a place which we're allvery familiarand that is the united kingdom as early as March the united kingdom has already decided topostponeall the local government elections as wellas the London mayor and other mayor election by one year to May,next year so I think we are only doing what is rightjust like what other governments are doingwhat is right for their people