91talk 发表于 2019-6-30 09:54:16

看美剧学高频短语:Make a scene

Make a scene:To bring unnecessary attention to oneself, especially through a public expression of tumultuous emotion.(制造动乱、尤指公众场合出糗)

英语高频短语"Make a scene"在美剧语料库中的相关例句:
E.G.1:It's bad enough that you make a scene at their wedding and you hound them night and day.翻译:你在他们婚礼上大闹了一通就已经够糟了,你还日以继夜地纠缠他们。(摘自美剧『绝望的主妇』S06E10)
E.G.2:You make a scene, you throw a tantrum, and everyone gets scared and backs off.
翻译:你大闹一番吸引目光,再怒气冲天发点脾气, 大家就惧怕你了,纷纷退让。(摘自美剧『绝望的主妇』S02E24)

英语高频短语“Make a scene"情景会话一:(摘自美剧『 绝望的主妇』S06E10)
https://www.91talk.com/VIP/clips/CUP/M/Make.a.scene.mp4Susan:Please. I am so worried about your mom. 拜托我真的很担心你妈妈
I am not just thinking about mike. 我并不是只关心麦克
Dylan:What he hell you're not.--别废话了
Get over him. He's married to my mother. 忘了他吧他和我妈结婚了
Dylan:You know, It's bad enough that you make a scene at their wedding在他们婚礼上大闹了一通就已经够遭了
And you hound them night and day. 你还日以继夜地纠缠他们
And you stab her because you can't have him? 而且你居然因为得不到他而刺伤了我妈妈
英语高频短语“Make a scene"情景会话二:(摘自电影Shazam!『 雷霆沙赞』)
https://www.91talk.com/VIP/clips/Movie/S/Shazam!.2019.mp4Receptionist:Hello, sir, how may I help you? 你好 先生 我能为您效劳吗

Hi, sir.Sir, you can't go in there.你好 先生 --先生 你不能进去

Excuse me!You cannot go in there! 请原谅我 你不能进去

Dr. Sivana:Sorry I'm late. 对不起 我迟到了

Father:Thad, this is for board members only. 萨德 这力只有董事会成员可以来

Dr. Sivana:I'm aware of that, Father. 我知道 爸爸

Now. . . 现在

That night, in the car. . . 那天晚上 在车里…

I swore to you I saw something 我向你发誓 我看到了什么

but you never believed me. 但你从不相信我

So much easier to blame me, wasn't it? 我一直受到指责 不是吗

And say that if I hadn't screamed that night 如果那天晚上我没有尖叫

you'd still have your legs. 你的腿还正常

Well, now, I have proof. 好吧 现在 我有证据了

Brother Sid:That's enough, Thad. 够了 萨德

Dr. Sivana:Dear Sid. 亲爱的Sid

You think? 你觉得呢

You know, even before the accident 你知道的 甚至在事故发生之前

you belittled me. 你轻视我

Brother Sid:Don't make me throw you out of here, Thad. 别逼我把你撵出去 离开这里 萨德

You don't need to make a scene. 你不需要在这出洋相

Dr. Sivana:Oh, brother. . . 哦 兄弟…

The scene has only just begun. 好戏才刚刚开始

Ask that if you can throw me out. 问问你能不能 把我扔出去

Brother Sid:What? 什么

Dr. Sivana:Ask the ball if you're man enough to throw me out of this room. 问下这个球,看你是否够爷们把我扔出去

Let me spoil it for you. 让我来帮你问

Outlook. . . not so good. 看那…不太好

I've come here during the season of giving 我在奉献的季节来到这里

to give you. . . what you deserve. 给你…你应得的
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