91talk 发表于 2019-7-2 18:29:51

看美剧学高频短语:Get right on sth

Get right on something:To do something immediately, to do a particular task promptly, to deal with something at once(马上处理或着手某事)

中文释义:马上开始着手去做某件事情,Get right on sth与to sth意思一样。类似的表达还有:on it, get on with it(含有继续着手的意思)...当有人请你去做某件事情时,而你又愿意马上去做,这个时候可以用I'll get right on it.这句口语来回答他。

英语高频短语"Get right on it"在美剧语料库中的相关例句:

E.G.1:Why don't you go ahead and set up that meeting? I have an idea. -- Okay, I'll get right on it.
E.G.2:See if he can find that frisbee while he's up there. --Yeah, I'm gonna get right on that.

英语高频短语“Get right on sth”情景会话(摘自美剧『 绝望的主妇』S08E11)
Gaby:Sorry, Marilyn. You win some, you lose some, right? 抱歉玛丽莲有得必有失
Marilyn:Except in this case, we're losing a $90 million account. 这次情况特殊,我们会失去九千万的收益
Gaby:$90 million? 九千万?
And you think all it will take is a little wining and dining? 你觉得喝喝小酒吃吃小饭就能搞定
Why don't you go ahead and set up that meeting? 你着手准备宴会吧
I have an idea. 我自有办法
Marilyn:Okay, I'll get right on it. 好的我马上去办
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