91talk 发表于 2020-3-28 21:49:28


3月10日,翠西批美国民主党派和自由派媒体人士利用新冠肺炎制造事端,以借机弹劾总统川普的言论在美国新闻界闹得沸沸扬扬,很多人断言翠西这次的直播事件为:“On air meltdown”,的确如此:翠西·里根这次玩得有点过,导致引火上身了。福克斯电视台迫于舆论压力,先是宣布将由翠西主持的8点钟黄金档直播节目暂停,10天之后,正式宣布与翠西·里根解约。

相信不少喜欢研究时事或学习英语的朋友,对于去年CGTN主播刘欣与翠西·里根的Live debate仍然记忆犹新,翠西作为Fox电台黄金时间档的商业节目主持人,向来是没理也搞事端,得理总从不挠人,部分福克斯电台的观众似乎还蛮享受她的刀子嘴和泼辣范。不过翠西这次玩火自焚了,对于新冠肺炎这个议题上的相关言论,惹了众怒,这回是注定得打包走人了。

上面的视频源自国外自媒体平台The Ring of Fire的主持人Farron Cousins的相关评论,以下是影视英语角编辑整理的英文脚本及词义解释。重点词汇及短语已高亮显示,觉得有帮助的朋友,欢迎给博主提问留言或评论反馈。

This past Friday, Fox business network announced that host Trish Regan was going to be going on a bit of a hiatus following an on air meltdown earlier in the week, and then this morning reports started coming out saying that Trish Regan was probably not going to be coming back to the network.

释义: Go on a hiatus:to cease being broadcast for a period of time. (停止一段时期的电视或广播节目的播出)
Now for those who may not remember what Trish Regan did on the air, here's the clip of her from last Monday night's program where she just went absolutely off the rails.

释义:go off the rails:begin behaving in an uncontrolled or unacceptable way. (失控、出格,做了让人难以接受的事情)
Here it is:

Chorus of hate being leveled at the president’s nearing a crescendo as Democrats blame him and only him for a virus that originated halfway around the world.

释义:Chorus [‘kɔːrəs]:any utterance produced simultaneously by a group. (齐发声);

crescendo :gradually increasing in volume. (音量逐步增强,即声音趋于高亢)
This is yet another attempt to impeach the president and sadly it seems they care very little for any of the destruction they are leaving in their wake. Losses in the stock market, all this unfortunately just part of the political casualties for them.

释义:leave (sth) in (one’s)/its wake:To create or produce a lingering effect (usually a negative one) as a result of one’s or something’s actions or behavior. (由于某人的一些行为导致难以抹来的影响,通常是指不良影响) political casualties:(政治伤亡代价)
You know, this is a time to be United, not to be pointing fingers, not to be encouraging hate, and yet what do we see?--We see the absolute opposite from the left tonight.

Good evening everyone. I am Trish Regan. The hate is boiling over. Many in the liberal media using and I mean using coronavirus in an attempt to demonize and destroy the president. Those were the rantings of a person who had gone mad. Those are the rantings of someone who wasn't quite well but still was allowed a prime time spot on a cable news program.

释义:Boil over:By extension, to become extremely intense or out of control, especially after a period of escalation. (变得非常紧张甚或失控,尤其是经过一段时间的酝酿和扩散)

demonize:To represent as evil or diabolic. (使妖魔化); ranting:a loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong emotion (咆哮、吼叫)
And I think given the news that broke within the past week about the spread of everything, you know, this virus is starting to take over our daily lives. Parts of the country are shutting down and they need to, and Trish Regan sitting there saying like this is all a hoax because the Democrats are trying to re-impeach Trump with it.

No, little more little more complex than that and so Fox actually made the correct decision to pull her off the air and as I mentioned, hopefully permanently. But as I said last week, the saddest thing about this story is that Trish Regan did not always, well was not always like this, actually.

释义:hoax:A hoax is a trick in which someone tells people a lie. (骗人的把戏);pull someone off:To suddenly or forcibly remove someone from something. (猛然或强行将某人移出或撤出某事)
There was a time when she was actually nominated for an Emmy for her investigative journalism -back when she worked at CBS in the early two thousands. This woman knew what she was doing. She went to school for this, was doing a great job of it and then everything went downhill.

释义:went downhill:if a situation goes downhill, it gets worse. (变得更加糟糕)

When she went to Fox news. She decided, oh, I don’t have to do real journalism anymore. I can just go on the air and make stuff up. Which is exactly what she did. But sometimes even for Fox it's a little too much. Sometimes with Fox you can in fact go overboard and that is exactly what happened with Trish Regan.

释义:make stuff up:It is the act of simply constructing an entertaining story or a write lie for the amusement of yourself and/or your peers. (捏造某种用以华众取宠或者拨弄人心的故事或无伤大雅的谎言)

go overboard:to do or say something that is too extreme for a particular situation. (在某个特定的时间或情形,说话做事过于极端。比如事做出格、话说过头等。)
Now, if this had been about any other issue other than the current pandemic, I do not think Regan would have experienced any sort of punishment for this, she would likely still be on the air. Fox news loves a good conspiracy theory about Democrats trying to take down Trump, but that's not what this was and Fox understands that. They know that this is not a hoax. It is not a scheme. It is not a conspiracy to take down the president.

释义: conspiracy theory: (阴谋论)

This is a very real illness that is sweeping across this country causing irreparable economic harm at the moment. They know this thing is real and they weren’t about to put up with yet another host on their network trying to convince the public otherwise.

释义:sweeping:If an idea, feeling, or activity sweeps a group of people or a place, it quickly becomes very popular or common. 通常与介词Accross及through连用。(席卷)

irreparable:A damage, harm etc is so bad that it can never be repaired or made better. (坏到无法修复的)
put up with someone:Endure without complaint (容忍某人)


补充说明下这段剪辑的title:“Fox News Benches Trish Regan After On Air Meltdown”,这里有两个词(Bench和Meltdown),这种用法在商务英语里面使用频率虽不是很高,但也不可无视。

Bench:to not allow someone to continue their job, or to remove them from workplace. (将某人从现有岗位剔除,我们知道职场上有一种剔除叫“fire”或严厉一点“kick off”,而文章里的这段新闻播出时,翠西·里根只是被Fox安排坐了冷板凳,还没被正式解约。所以用Bench非常贴切、生动。)

Meltdown:这个词,给我的第一幅画面感是冰河世纪(Ice Age: The Meltdown)这部动画片的融冰场景。

之后出现在我脑海里的第二幅画面是Economic /Financial Meltdown(经济/财政崩溃)。

查了词典之后,里面的第一个解释是:“A very dangerous situation in which the material inside a nuclear reactor melts and burns through its container, allowing radioactivity to escape”,指的是核反应堆的融断。

综上所述,Meltdown这个词给到我们的三种画面都是非常危险的、灾难性的局面,那么现在我们返回标题“Fox News Benches Trish Regan After On Air Meltdown”,这段话又该如何翻译呢?欢迎大家留言反馈。

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查看完整版本: 主播翠西因新冠疫情言论被Fox电视台解约