91talk 发表于 2020-5-2 21:18:55

看美剧学英语高频短语:What's the occasion?

What's the occasion:It's a standard expression that you use when someone is wearing an unusually nice outfit or they have flowers or they do something unusual for you (like buying you chocolates or flowers). (有什么特别吗?、怎么个情况?)

中文释义:“what's the occasion“在美剧中常见于收到意外的礼物(鲜花、红酒等),或者是看到身边的亲友衣着光鲜、举止异常时发问。也见于对某种盛大的场面表示不解向熟人发问。注意:使用对象一般是你的亲朋好友、同事同学等熟人。

英语高频短语:“What's the occasion?”在美剧剧语料库中的相关例句:
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