Fannie 发表于 2020-5-14 17:22:27

看美剧学英语俚语:Leave (sb/sth) alone

本帖最后由 Fannie 于 2020-5-14 21:15 编辑

Leave (sb/sth) alone:To not interact with or bother someone or interfere with something.(别管;别碰) Usually used in spoken English to express that the speaker wants to "be quiet" or does not want others to interfere in his or her own affairs. (希望别人不要干涉某人某事)

EG:a. Don't torment the cat. Leave it alone.   b. I don't want your help. Let me alone.c. Don't argue about it. Let it be!

中文释义:leave (sb/sth) alone=let (sb/sth) alone=leave(sb/sth)be=let(sb/sth)be; 意为“不惹”“ 不碰”“不管”。另外alone也可替换为 by oneself=on one’s own 。如:leave me on my own; 口语中比较常用的地道表达有Leave me alone,Leave it alone!

以下是英语俚语"Leave (sb/sth) alone"在美剧语料库中的相关例句:
1、It's a shame:真可惜
2、It's not up to sb:这不取决于某人
3、make an exception for sb:给某人例外
E.G.If i make an exception for you,then i have to make one for everyone(给了你例外,那就得给每个人例外)

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