Fannie 发表于 2020-5-14 17:37:23

看美剧学英语俚语:That's not the point!

本帖最后由 Fannie 于 2020-5-14 17:40 编辑

That's not the point:That's irrelevant! That's not relevant to the question we were discussing!To not understand the main point of what someone is saying.(那并不重要,那并不是问题所在。)

中文释义:that’s not the point!= that’s not on!=miss the point;在口语中出现频率很高;比如遇到和你谈话的人可能正确地理解了你的陈述,但是可能会把注意力放在陈述的其他部分,而不是你想强调的那部分。这时你可以说:'thats not the point, thepoint is....'

以下是英语俚语"That's not the point!"在美剧语料库中的相关例句:

1.slap sb around:侮辱某人或者扇某人耳光
E.G. Before you slap me around,let me ask you something(在你开始要胡乱侮辱我之前 让我告诉你一些事)
2.make a big deal:大题小作
E.G. are you making such a big deal about it?(你至于这么大题小作吗?)
3.kind of sucks:很烂,不擅长
E.G:And if you haven't noticed, he kind of sucks.(你没注意到他打得很烂吗)
4.make a commitment:做承诺
5.see it through:使某事顺利通过
He made a commitment. He's gonna see it through.(他做了承诺 ,就要履行到底)

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