owenlee 发表于 2020-5-20 08:01:53

看美剧学英语高频短语:The ship has sailed

The ship has sailed:An opportunity has already passed and is no longer possible or in other words, a chance is now gone; it is too late to catch up with or make up for it.(覆水难收、为时已晚)

中文释义:这个短语在口语里通常不是其字面意思“船已远航”,而是指用来强调“机不可失,失不再来”,大家还记得:Water under the bridge吗?有些事过去了,不必缅怀;而有些机会错失了,可能会遗憾终身。比如下面这段例句:

John finally realize his ex-girlfriend was his true love, but unfortunately that ship has sailed.
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