看美剧学英语高频短语:Push sb around
Push sb around: to tell someone what to do in a rude or threatening way; to harass someone physically; to jostle someone;to give someone orders in a forceful or unpleasant way(对(某人)粗暴地发号施令,摆布(某人)…).中文释义:"push somebody around"字面意思是"把某人推来推去",有“摆布;烦扰; 欺侮; 粗暴地发号失令,迫使就范”的意思。push around并不光是指肢体行动或者动武,有时办公室的上级不必动手也会把下级push around。他的手段可能是高声喝令,或者为了鸡毛蒜皮的小事动不动就发脾气,有仗势欺人的含义在里面。例句:He got pushed around when he was in high school.(他高中的时候老被欺负。)
You're pushing it.(有点儿过分哦。)
You'd better not push it.(你最好别得寸进尺。)
If you push me, I'll push back.(你再逼我,我就要造反了!)