明月 发表于 2020-6-28 17:47:21

看美剧学英语高频短语:Take advantage of

本帖最后由 明月 于 2020-6-28 17:49 编辑

Take advantage of: 1. To make good use of the opportunities offered by.: take advantage of all educational opportunities. 2. To make use of for selfish reasons; achieve a selfish goal by exploiting: took advantage of him by leaving him with the bill; took advantage of his unsuspecting nature. 3. Take advantage of something, to use an opportunity to achieve results, sometimes in an unfair way.

中文释义:占某人便宜,利用某人,利用某机会或某物。注意:这个短语是中性的,不一定是贬义,要根据语境判断。take advantage,“利用、占便宜”,在句子里一般充当谓语。例句:I'm not that kind of people who likes taking advantage.(我不是那种爱占便宜的人。)如果要表达占某人的便宜、利用某人,则需要用take advantage of sb的固定用法。take advantage of的后面也可以接something,表示利用某物。

今日看点:Take advantage of one's strengths and make up for one's weaknesses. 取人之长,补己之短。

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