Fannie 发表于 2020-6-29 09:50:29

看美剧学英语俚语:Over the moon

本帖最后由 Fannie 于 2020-7-3 23:50 编辑

Over the moon: If you are over the moon about something that has happened, you are very happy about it:I've been over the moon ever since I got engaged—I just can't stop looking at my ring!This phrase comes from an old nursery rhyme which includes the lines Heigh diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle, the cow jumped over the moon.

中文释义:over the moon不是登月,而是“高兴万分”的意思。不管遇到什么好事,比如说是涨工资、生宝宝、或是自己支持的球队赢了比赛的冠军,都可以说over the moon来表达兴奋的心情。例句:She's over the moon about his gifts.(她对他送的礼物感到欣喜若狂)。这个俚语其实来自于英语里的一首童谣,曲中有这句歌词:The cow jumped over the moon. 曲子里有几种动物,它们都有各自喜欢的事物,其中奶牛喜欢跳跃,最后所有的动物跟它一起跳过月亮。因为一起跳跃的过程大家都非常快乐,所以over the moon的更深层次的理解就是欢快,以及快乐的意思啦。

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