91talk 发表于 2019-6-19 00:10:12

看美剧学英语俚语:On the sidelines

Sit on the sidelines:In a position in which one is not actively participating in something, or in other words:observing rather than taking part. If you are on the sidelines in a situation, you watch it happening but are not directly involved and cannot influence it. (置身事外、袖手旁观)
“On the sidelines”这个俚语前面可以用很多动词(Sit, stand, stay,remain,wait...)

英语俚语:"on the sidelines"在美剧语料库中的相关例句:

E.G.1:Some people spend their time on this planet just sitting on the sidelines waiting for something to happen to them before it's too late.

E.G.2:Well, if you'd like for her to remain in office, you'll take my advice and just stay on the sidelines for now.

英语俚语:"on the sidelines"情景会话:(摘自美剧『 金装律师』S04E04)

https://www.91talk.com/VIP/clips/Idioms/O/On.the.sidelines.mp4Harvy:I'm the reason they're coming after us.
Jessica:Which is why you wanted to hire Jeff in the first place.
Jeff:That was before all this became real. Now that it's happening, he doesn't want to sit on the sidelines.
Harvy:Damn right I don't.
Jessica:Well, then find yourself a comfortable spot on the bench, because like it or not, Jeff's in charge.

murmur 发表于 2019-6-19 01:29:38

对体育感兴趣的人都知道,sidelines就是中文里说的边线。站在边线以外,就是不参与比赛,在一旁袖手旁观的意思。“on the sidelines”用来形容“袖手旁观”这种情况恰如其分。

51learn 发表于 2019-6-19 01:32:53

这个“on the sidelines”在职场中也是很常见的,举个例子:

Or you can stand on the sidelines as a competitor engages your customers and takes them away.

justsayhi 发表于 2019-6-19 01:34:23

还有另外一种说法,叫“to watch from the sidelines”--站在边线以外观望。比如说开家长会的时候,如果有什么我觉得特别重要的问题,You will not watch from the sidelines. 我一定不会站在边线以外观望。
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