admin 发表于 2019-6-19 11:29:13

英语俚语:Pull the wool over someone's eyes

Pull the wool over someone's eyes:deceive someone by telling untruths. If you say that someone is pulling the wool over your eyes, you mean that they are trying to deceive you, in order to have an advantage over you. (忽悠某人、瞒天过海)

英语俚语:"Pull the wool over someone's eyes"相关例句:
E.G.1:The young man was so naive that he believed whatever anyone told him. It was easy to pull the wool over his eyes.
E.G.2:Just becuase you pulled the wool over my eyes, doesn't make you smarter than me, it just makes you more manipulative.

英语俚语:"Pull the wool over someone's eyes"情景会话:(片断节选自《绝望的主妇》S01E12) bet you were a cheerleader in high school, weren't you? 你高中肯定是啦啦队长吧

Susan:My junior year. How'd you know? 最后一年当过你怎么知道

Edie:Girls like you were always cheerleaders. Clear skin, honor roll, popular. 你这样的女孩肯定是啦啦队的:皮肤好、 优等生、 受欢迎!

In high school I was the girl that hung out with the freaks on the loading dock and smoked...Everyone hated us. 高中里,我就是那种和小混混一起在码头抽烟的女孩,没人待见我们。
Susan:Well, you know high school. Thank god we leave that behind. 这就是高中啦,谢天谢地这些都过去了。

Edie:See, I don't think we do. I'm still the outsider that doesn't get invited to the cool parties, 我不这么认为,我仍旧是那种潮流派对瞧不上的局外人

and you're still the perky cheerleader who thinks that she can pull the wool over everyone's eyes. 而你还是神采奕奕的啦啦队长总觉得自己能蒙蔽大家的眼睛

Susan:What? 什么?

Edie:You came on this trip, paid for the gas, 你跟我一起郊游,付汽油钱

and, look at you. You're changing this flat when you know I have auto club. 居然还换了轮胎,明知道我是汽车俱乐部的。

You want something from me. 你想从我这得到点什么?

murmur 发表于 2019-6-19 13:47:53

关于“Pull the wool over someone's eyes”短语的由来:

本帖最后由 murmur 于 2019-6-19 13:54 编辑

The natural assumption is that this phrase derives from the wearing of woollen wigs, which were fashionable for both men and women in the 16th and 17th centuries. The phrase itself is of 19th century American origin. The earliest example of it in print that I have found is in the Gettysburg newspaper The People’s Press, November 1835:
We are glad to find among the leading Van-ites, at least one man, whose conscience will not permit him to 'go the whole hog' in pulling the wool over the people’s eyes.At first sight, the 'wig' derivation sounds like a plausible derivation but there must be an element of doubt about it as the wearing of wigs had largely died out in the USA by the early 19th century. The tradition has continued in Europe where the judiciary of several countries wear wigs in court. Not so in the USA, where the third president Thomas Jefferson (president between 1801 - 1809), although a wig wearer himself, advised the judiciary there:
For Heaven’s sake discard the monstrous wig which makes the English judges look like rats peeping through bunches of oakum.
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