admin 发表于 2019-6-19 13:10:37

看美剧学高频短语:Make amends

Make amends:to do something to correct or compensate a mistake that one has made or a bad situation that one has caused.

中文释义:通过赔罪、道歉或赔偿的方式以弥补、修复已经被损坏的关系或感情。它与“make up for”的区别在于:“make amends”强调对已经造成的实质性伤害进行修复或弥补,前者则很有可能只是觉得心里愧疚,不一定给对方造成了伤害。
英语高频短语"Make amends"在美剧语料库中的相关例句:

E.G.1:I respect your effort to make amends by referring new clients.
翻译:我尊重你通过介绍新客户的方式来努力弥补我们之间的关系 (摘自美剧『金装律师』S01E10)

E.G.2:I'm supposed to reach out and make amends to those I've hurt.
翻译:我本应该去找那些我曾伤害过的人做些弥补 (摘自美剧『纸牌屋』S01E06)

英语高频短语“Make amends”情景会话(摘自美剧『 绝望的主妇』S03E21) you sure this is a good idea? 你确定这么做合适吗?

Susan:Yes, if I don't find Mike before he's off that mountain, 是的,如果我没能赶在麦克下山前找到他

I won't see him again. 我就永远见不到他了。

Julie:OK, what you're doing is nauseatingly romantic 好吧,你的浪漫之举是挺肉麻的

but how do you know he wants to see you after the "I choose Ian" thing?但你怎么知道他愿意见你 在得知你选择了伊恩之后?

Susan:That's why I have to go. 所以我才必须去找他

I have to make amends and heal his broken heart. 我必须弥补我的过错,抚慰他受伤的心灵
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