admin 发表于 2019-6-19 20:18:26

看美剧学英语高频短语:Step up

Step up:to step forward so as to take an action or take on more responsibility when there is aneed or opportunity for it, especially at a crucial time, (挺身而出、伺机而动)


英语高频短语"Make amends"在美剧语料库中的相关例句:
E.G.1:I would have thought you'd step up when things were difficult, not hold the donation hostage.翻译:我以为遇到困难你会出面解决,而不是拿捐款作交换条件。(摘自美剧『纸牌屋』S01E04)
E.G.2:You want to step up, then do what I goddamn told you to do and don't come to me.
翻译:你想出头就按照老子说的去办,不要出了事情就找我! (摘自美剧『金装律师』S05E11)

英语高频短语“Step up”情景会话(摘自美剧『 绝望的主妇』S07E17), our friendship aside, you are a valuable part of this company. 撇开咱们的友情不谈,你对公司也是不可或缺

And if I had the cash... You know I'd step up. 要不是手头资金这么紧张,我一定会给你加薪

Tom:But... 不过,

Carlos:You know rough things have been. 你知道最近日子很难过

You've seen the empty desks. We just can't offer you that kind of money. 炒了那么多人你也看到了:我们给不起你那么多钱
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