91talk 发表于 2019-6-20 16:45:04

看美剧学高频短语:Ulterior Motive

Ulterior Motive:An alternative or extrinsic reason for doing something, especially when concealed or when differing from the stated or apparent reason. If you say that someone has an ulterior motive for doing something, you believe that they have a hidden reason for doing it.(动机不纯、别有用心)


英语高频短语"Ulterior Motive"在美剧语料库中的相关例句:

E.G.1:You accepted a house from him, and you're nuts if you believe he doesn't have an ulterior motive.翻译:你接受了他给你的房子,你要是相信他胡芦里面没卖什么药那就是蠢到家了。(摘自美剧『绝望的主妇』S02E24)
E.G.2:Although, I have to confess, I do have an ulterior motive, I need to ask you a favor.
翻译:但是, 我不得不承认:这次我确实另有所图,我需要你帮我个忙。(摘自美剧『绝望的主妇』S05E05)

英语高频短语“Ulterior Motive”情景会话(摘自美剧『 绝望的主妇』S03E08)

https://www.91talk.com/VIP/clips/Movie/S/DHS03E08-Ulterior.Motive.mp4Gloria:Bree, the salmon is superb. 布里,三文鱼很美味
Bree:Well, thank you. 谢谢夸奖
It did win me the blue ribbon at the Gourmet County Cook-off. 它的确让我在美食大赛上拔得头筹
Gloria:I just love the sauce. What gives it that kick? 尤其是酱汁,有什么秘诀吗
Bree:You'd never ask a magician how a trick is done. 永远别问魔术师变戏法的窍门
Gloria:You've barely touched your salmon, dear. 亲爱的,你的三文鱼都没怎么动。
Is everything OK? 没什么事吧?
Orson:Yes. I was just wondering why you're here.没事,我只是一直在想:你来干嘛
Gloria:I want us to be friends. 我想与你和睦相处
Orson:OK. Let's suppose I just had a massive head injury and believe you. 好吧,就当我脑子进水,姑且信你
We're pals. What do you want? 我们言和,你到底想要怎样
Bree:Orson. Why does she have to have an ulterior motive? 奥森,为什么她一定别有用心
Gloria:I want out of that home. 我想离开那疗养院
Orson:Ah, there it is. --好戏开始了
Gloria:It's a hellhole. Besides, I'm perfectly healthy now. 那是地狱,而且我现在相当健康
My hip is better. I can handle the stairs. 我的髋部好了很多,能上下楼梯了
And you said when I got strong enough 而且你说过只要我恢复了
I'd get to go back to my house. 我就能回家住
Orson:Oh, here's the thing. I sold it. 有个问题,我把房子卖了
Gloria:What? 什么?
Orson:You heard me. 你听到了
Gloria:What about my things? 我的那些东西呢?
Orson:All gone. I also sold the car. 全没了,连车都卖了
That's the thing about hellholes. They don't pay for themselves. 关于地狱,你要清楚一点:那不是白给你住的
Gloria:How dare you! You had no right! 你竟敢如此你没这个权力
Bree:OK. Maybe I will share my secret ingredient.好吧,也许我可以分享一下我的秘方
Gloria:I should have smothered you in your crib when I had the chance. 早知如此,我应该把你掐死在襁褓中
Bree:Paprika! There, it's out. 揭晓秘密-- 是辣椒粉
Orson:That's the mother I remember. I was wondering when she'd show up. 这才是我熟悉的母亲,我一直在想她啥时露出狐狸尾巴
Gloria:Yes, Orson, I am your mother. 没错,奥森,我是你母亲。
So you more than anyone should know how I deal with betrayal. 所以你比任何人都清楚背叛我的下场
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