91talk 发表于 2019-6-21 15:06:21

英语习语:At regular intervals

At regular intervals:1、at times that are equally separated : with the same amount of time between occurrences. something that happens at regular intervals happens often. (常规发生的、经常出现的)2、at points that are equally distant from each other. (隔一段距离就有的、)

英语习语:"At regular intervals"相关例句:

E.G.1:We see each other at regular intervals - usually about once a month. 我们通常隔一个月就见一次面。

E.G.2:You will find service stations at regular intervals along the highway.你可以每隔一段距离就能找到高速公路旁边的服务区。

英语俚语:"At regular intervals"情景会话:(摘自英剧『唐顿庄园』S04E04)
https://www.91talk.com/VIP/clips/TV/DA/DA.S04E04-At.regular.intervals.mp4Cora:You won't believe what's happened. 你不会相信发生了什么
Braithwaite's handed in her notice. 布雷思韦特递交了辞呈
Robert:What? Why? 什么 为什么
Cora:Family troubles. Or so she says. 据她说是家里出事了
Robert:Are we living under a curse, 我们是被诅咒了吗
doomed to lose our lady's maids at regular intervals? 接二连三有贴身女仆离开
Anna, did you know about this? 安娜 你知道这事吗
Anna:Is anything the matter? 出了什么事吗
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