91talk 发表于 2019-6-23 15:46:51

看美剧学高频短语:Hammer out

Hammer out:to arrive at an agreement or solution after a lot of argument or discussion. If people hammer out an agreement or treaty, they succeed in producing it after a long or difficult discussion.

中文释义:最终敲定,经过深入讨论后达成。Hammer out从字面意思来讲它是指:用锤子(钉锤)将什么东西(钉子)拨出,引申为:为达成某种协议或条款而肃清障碍。作商务语义使用时,这个动词短语后面一般接:details, agreement, schedule等抽象名词。
英语高频短语"Hammer out"在美剧语料库中的相关例句:

E.G.1:We're golfing with a client-- beer. We're hammering out a deal-- wine. We make the deal--champagne.翻译:我们和客户打高尔夫时喝啤酒,极力促成交易时 喝葡萄酒,一旦成交就喝香槟。(摘自美剧『绝望的主妇』S08E08)
E.G.2:She's a peach, but she's not the one that dragged me to court to hammer out some custody agreement.

英语高频短语“Hammer out”情景会话(摘自美剧『 绝望的主妇』S01E13)
https://www.91talk.com/VIP/clips/CUP/H/Hammer.out.mp4Rodney:Ah... Lynette, this is Lois Mcdaniel. 呃......勒奈特这位是洛易丝·麦丹妮
She's one of my major suppliers in the area. 她是我主要的供货商之一
She's in paper products manufacturing. 她是个纸制品制造商
Lynette:Uh, it's nice to meet you. 哦 很高兴认识你
Lois:Nice to meet you. You have a lovely home. 我也是 你的家很漂亮
Lynette:Thank you. 谢谢
Rodney:Just working out, uh, some of these new contracts. 我们在制定一些新的合约
Hammering out some of the little things, the minor details. 敲定一些细节方面的事
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