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[BEC商务英语] 看美剧《金装律师》学地道商务英语表达









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发表于 2021-2-14 15:29:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Jessica:Allison, I am impressed by you. 艾莉森  我对你的印象不错
------>> But if I'm going to give you this job, 但我得确认我能信任你
------>> I need to know that I can trust you. 否则我不会用你
Allison:I'm a straight shooter, Jessica. 我直来直往  杰西卡
Jessica:Easy to say, harder to prove. 说起来简单  怎么证明呢
Allison:All right, how about this? 好吧  这个怎样
------>> Um, you are an elegant woman, 你是个非常有气质的女人
------>> but there's no getting around it... 但我得告诉你
------>> That dress does not belong in this office. 你穿这身衣服来这里上班不合适
Jessica:I like you. 我喜欢你
Allison:This may be something that you don't like. 接下来的话你可能不喜欢
------>> You won't be the one dictating terms here. I will. 接下来不再是你发号施令了  我来
------>> And regarding your laundry, 至于你门内部的事情
------>> you have my word that Danny won't be involved, 我保证丹尼绝不插手
------>> but you need to keep that man on a leash. 但你得管住那家伙
Harvey:She said that to your face?  她当面对你说的  
Jessica:Yep. --对
Harvey:You kick her ass out?  你把她踢出去了  
Jessica:Hired her on the spot. 当场拍板定下了她
Harvey:The woman insults you, 那个女人对你出言不逊
------>> all of a sudden you're in bed with her? 这你都能忍
------>> Maybe I should tell you how much I hate those shoes. 我也应该告诉你我多讨厌你的鞋子
Jessica:That's the joke you're gonna make? 别开这种蹩脚的玩笑
Harvey:What? It's both respectful 怎么了 我真的对它们
------>> and disrespectful at the same time. 是又爱又恨
Jessica:Harvey, I don't want you to overlook 哈维  你可别搞错了
------>> the point of the story. It's Allison's case. 现在艾莉森接下了这个案子
------>> The firm is the client, and you're--律所是她的委托人  而你是
Harvey:The dog on a leash? 拴了绳子的小狗?
Jessica:Stay out of her way. 别妨碍她做事

Straight shooter:A thoroughly upright straightforward person. (开诚公开且不拐弯抹角的人、直来直往的人)

Elegant:Graceful and stylish in appearance or manner. (优雅时尚的)

There's no getting around it:Some situation, fact, or piece of information cannot be ignored or avoided. (毫不避讳地说,坦率来讲)

Laundry:Private information that causes shame and embarrassment when it is made public. (糗事、见不得光的事)

Dicate terms:To dictate terms means to be able to set the terms of an agreement or contract, and the other party is forced to agree to them. (制定规则、发号施令)

Keep sb on the leash:to closely control someone's actions and allow them very little freedom to do the things they want to do. (严密管束和控制某人)

Kick one's ass out:to kick someone's ass means to show them that you are angry with them, either by telling them or by using physical force. (生气地将某人撵走)

On the spot:without any delay; immediately. at the scene of an event. (当场、就地)

Be in bed with someone:to work with a person or organization, or to be involved with them, in a way that causes other people not to trust you. (与某人合作共事即便可能会引发其他人的不满)

Overlook:to fail to notice or consider something or someone. (忽略、忽视)


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