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[美剧剧本字幕] 致命女人第二季第四集中英对照剧本台词









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Why Women Kill S02E04 Script (致命女人第二季第四集中英对照剧本台词):
标题:"Scene of the Crime"--犯罪现场
1--Previously on Why Women Kill... 《致命女人》前情提要
2--We tell the neighbors that Mrs. Yost went away. 我们可以告诉邻居约斯特太太出门了
3--Or better still, 更好的是...
4--we could arrange for some of them to see her leave. 我们可以安排其中一些人看到她离开
5--They'll start to look for her, 他们会开始寻找她
6--miles and miles away from our front yard. 在远离我们家前院的地方
7--He put a codicil in his will他在遗嘱里加了一条
8--saying that if I would embarrass him说如果我找一个他不认可的对象
9--with any men he didn't approve of, 再让他难堪的话
10--he would disinherit me. 他就剥夺我的继承权
11--She'd be disinherited if she was caught in a compromising position. 如果她被发现保持不洁关系 就会失去继承权
12--You're asking me to screw her? 你是要我跟她上床
13--- So, that's her? - Well, you got your answer. -就是她吗 -你已经找到答案了
14--- Now, let's go. - Wait. -我们走吧 -等等
15--God, I am so stupid. 天呐 我太傻了
16--I'm his lover. 我是他的情人
17--You cheated on me with that? 你出轨的对象竟然是她吗
18--You deserve each other. 婊子配狗 天长地久
19--It's over. 我们结束了
20--We have an opening for a new member. 我们有一个新成员的位置空缺
21--I nominate Alma Fillcot. 我提名艾尔玛·菲尔科特
22--She is very, very nice. 她人特别好
23--From the moment the phone rang,从电话响起的那一刻起
24--Alma Fillcot knew she was in trouble. 艾尔玛·菲尔科特就知道她有麻烦了
25--As every housewife knows,因为每个家庭主妇都深知
26--good news... 早上9点前打来的电话
27--never calls before 9:00. 绝不会有好消息
28--- Hello? - Thank God you're home. -喂 -谢天谢地你在家
29--It's Grace. I... 我是格蕾丝 我...
30--I called you ten times yesterday. 我昨天给你打了好多次电话
31--I was out of town. 我出门了
32--What's wrong? 怎么了
33--Oh, nothing much. 没什么
34--Except you're about to be ambushed. 只是你即将遭遇伏击
35--Ambushed? 伏击
36--As you know, I have been campaigning for you如你所知 我一直在为你争取
37--to get the open spot in the Garden Club. But... 园艺俱乐部的空缺的席位 但是...
38--well, Rita Castillo is not convinced that you'll be a, um... 丽塔·卡斯蒂罗认为你
39--a good fit. 不合适
40--Oh, she... she's not? 她是这么想的吗
41--I begged her to give you a chance. 我求她给你一次机会
42--So, she's decided to drop by your home所以她决定去你家
43--for a surprise inspection. 来一次突击检查
44--Rita is coming to my home? 丽塔要来我家
45--With the entire nominating committee. 提名委员会全体成员都会去
46--Today at 3:00. 今天3点
47--My house is a mess. 我家里一团糟
48--Well, then don't spend another second talking to me. 那就别再跟我说话了
49--Grace, you-you are, you are a true pal. 格蕾丝 你真够朋友
50--Happy to help. 乐意帮忙
51--But if you tell Rita I warned you,但你要是告诉丽塔我提醒了你
52--I will denounce you as a liar. 我就说你是骗子
53--Oh, I understand completely. 我完全理解
54--I'm so glad. 那就好
55--Well, good luck. 祝好运
56--Alma raced into her living room,艾尔玛冲进了她的客厅
57--determined to clean like she'd never cleaned before. 决心拿出这辈子从未有过的干劲来打扫
58--But as she looked around at the worn sofa但当她看到那破旧的沙发
59--and chipped knickknacks that filled her modest home,以及自己寒酸的家里随处可见的破烂摆设
60--Alma realized hasty housework她意识到即便仓促打扫一番
61--wouldn't be enough to impress the chic ladies也不足以取悦园艺俱乐部
62--of the Garden Club. 那些时髦的女士们
63--What she really needed was to fill her home她真正要做的是让家里充满
64--with lovely things. 精美的东西
65--And with no time to go shopping,由于已经没有时间去购物
66--Alma did the next best thing. 艾尔玛做出了次优选择
67--She went to a dead woman's home,她去了一个死去的女人家里
68--and began borrowing. 开始"借"东西
69--{an8}致命女人 第二季 第四集
70--While Alma was busy committing theft in Los Angeles,当艾尔玛在洛杉矶忙着偷窃时
71--her previous crime was being discovered几百英里之外 她之前犯下的罪行
72--hundreds of miles away. 即将败露
73--Who found it? 谁发现的
74--Well, some kid went fishing this morning hoping to catch a trout. 有个小孩今早去钓鱼 想钓条鳟鱼
75--Hooked a Dodge instead. 结果却钓上来一辆道奇
76--So, what do we think happened here? 你觉得是什么情况
77--Car's registered to a Carol Yost in L. A. 车主是洛杉矶一个叫卡萝尔·约斯特的人
78--My guess? 我的想法
79--She was on a road trip, fell asleep at the wheel,她在自驾游 开车的时候睡着了
80--then drove into the lake. 然后开进了湖里
81--Any sign of a body? 有找到尸体吗
82--Not yet. 还没
83--Guys. 伙计们
84--Come here. 来这边
85--Look at this. 看这个
86--Looks like she had company. 看来她有同伴
87--Rocco, come-- Hey! 洛克 过来
88--Rocco. 洛克
89--God. Not in Alma's flowers. 天 别去艾尔玛的花丛里
90--She'll lose her mind. 她会抓狂的
91--Alma? 艾尔玛
92--Rocco, come on. 洛克 过来
93--Alma. 艾尔玛
94--Lord. You scared me. 天 你吓我一跳
95--- Is that Mrs. Yost's lamp? - Yes. -那是约斯特夫人的灯吗 -对
96--But I don't have time to explain. 但我没时间解释了
97--We're under attack! 我们要被袭击了
98--What? By who? 什么 被谁袭击
99--Alma. 艾尔玛
100--Stop. 站住
101--I insist you tell me what's going on. 你必须告诉我到底怎么回事
102--If you must know,你非得知道的话
103--the ladies from the Garden Club are coming over today. 园艺俱乐部的女士们今天要过来
104--To judge us. 来评判我们
105--Alma... 艾尔玛
106--What does that got to do with Mrs. Yost's things? 那跟约斯特太太的东西有什么关系
107--Our house is drab. 我们的房子单调乏味
108--It's filled to the rafters with shoddy bric-a-brac. 架子上放的都是劣质小摆设
109--But Mrs. Yost, on the other hand,但另一方面 约斯特太太
110--she had lovely things. 她有很多可爱的小玩意
111--She possessed the kind of taste她所具有的品味
112--that the Garden Club ladies will respect. 是园艺俱乐部那些女士会欣赏的
113--That's your excuse to steal? 这就是你偷东西的理由吗
114--To impress a bunch of snobs? 为了取悦一群势利小人
115--Bertram. 伯特伦
116--If you will help me through this very trying day,如果你能帮我熬过这令人头痛的一天
117--I promise... 我保证
118--I will stop complaining about all those people you've killed. 我不会再抱怨你杀了那么多人
119--Think about it. 你想想
120--From this moment on,从这一刻开始
121--we'll be even. 我们就扯平了
122--What a lovely vase. 这花瓶真漂亮
123--Okay. 好了
124--Hey. What's going on? 怎么回事
125--N-No, stop. You can't take my sofa. 不 住手 你们不能搬走我的沙发
126--It's not your sofa. 这不是你的沙发
127--It's mine, remember? 是我的 记得吗
128--I paid for everything in this apartment,这公寓里所有东西都是我买的
129--which you are leaving. Today. 你今天也得给我离开
130--Oh, you're still mad, huh? 你还在生气 对吧
131--Just a skosh. 只有一点点气
132--Take these bottles to the truck. 把这些酒搬到卡车上
133--And, you, take the suits. 还有你 负责搬西装
134--You're taking my suits? 你要拿走我的西装
135--Oh, come on, Rita. Have a heart. 别这样 丽塔 发发善心吧
136--I do have a heart. 我的确有心
137--It's a shame you had to find out by breaking it. 可惜你非要让我心碎了才发现
138--Oh, wait, wait, wait. Now, I... 等等 等等
139--I know I messed up,我知道我搞砸了
140--but if you get rid of these guys,不过如果你打发这些工人走
141--then I'll make it up to you. 我就肉偿你
142--You want to screw your way out of this jam? Fine. 你想靠上床来帮自己解决危机 行啊
143--But I'm not the one you need to seduce. 但你需要勾引的人不是我
144--You're still trying to get me in bed with Carlo's daughter? 你还没放弃把我送到卡洛女儿的床上吗
145--If you can pretend to be interested in a fat girl,如果你能假装对一个胖女孩有兴趣
146--you can fake a bit of passion for a middle-aged woman. 你也可以假装喜欢一个中年女人
147--I never faked it with you, baby. 我在你面前从来没假装过 宝贝
148--Oh, you meant Catherine. 原来你是指凯瑟琳
149--Leave nothing! 一样东西都别留下
150--No, wait. 不 等等
151--Rita, please. 丽塔 拜托
152--Don't do this. 别这么做
153--Catherine is out to destroy me. 凯瑟琳想毁了我
154--And she'll succeed, unless I get some leverage. 她会成功的 除非我掌握她的把柄
155--And you are the only one who can help me do that. 你是唯一能帮我做这事的人
156--But do I have to sleep with her? 但我非得跟她上床吗
157--A photo of Catherine in bed with a young buck一张凯瑟琳和小鲜肉在床上的照片
158--would disinherit her. 能让她失去继承资格
159--That's how I'll blackmail her out of my life. 这样我就能勒索她离开我的生活了
160--And you can have your suits back. 你也可以要回你的西装
161--What could be simpler? 还有比这更简单的事吗
162--But I'm an actor, not a whore. 但我是个演员 不是男妓
163--Scooter, I've seen your acting. 斯库特 我看过你演戏
164--I wouldn't be so quick to rule out a more viable career. 你最好别这么急着排除一个更加可行的职业
165--Go to hell. 去死吧
166--I don't need you. 我不需要你
167--We'll see about that. 那我们走着瞧
168--And I paid for this, too. 这也是我买的
169--Hey, Mrs. Ayashi. 你好 爱子太太
170--Hello. 喂
171--Is this Vern Loomis? 你是维恩·卢米斯吗
172--Sure. Who's this? 是我 你是谁
173--The guy whose life you ruined. 被你毁了一生的男人
174--You'll have to be more specific. 你得再说得具体点
175--You think this is funny? 你觉得这很好笑吗
176--Sophie's going to divorce me. 索菲要跟我离婚
177--This must be Mr. Hemple. 你肯定是亨普尔先生
178--And she told my boss. 她还告诉了我老板
179--Then he fired me because of you. 然后他炒了我 都怪你
180--No, Sid. 不 希德
181--He fired you because you were knocking boots with his secretary. 他炒了你是因为你在跟他的秘书翻云覆雨
182--You're going to pay for what you did to me, Loomis. 你要为这事付出代价 卢米斯
183--Oh, so dearly. 巨大的代价
184--"Oh, so dearly"? "巨大的代价"
185--Who taught you how to make death threats? 谁教你对别人进行死亡威胁的
186--No? l Coward? 诺埃尔·科沃德吗[英国演员]
187--Hello? 喂
188--Sid? 希德
189--Scooter. 斯库特
190--What's with the getup? 你这是什么打扮
191--Long story. 说来话长
192--Come on. 说吧
193--So, what do you want? 你想要什么
194--Rita threw me out of my apartment. 丽塔把我从公寓里赶出来了
195--Was it something I said? 是因为我说的话吗
196--That's not funny. 这不好笑
197--Hey. You lied to me. 你骗了我
198--You can't blame me for getting sore. 你不能怪我冷嘲热讽
199--Okay. 好吧
200--It's all my fault. 都是我的错
201--So, what do you need? 那你要什么
202--Money. 钱
203--I'm down to my last 22 cents. 我只剩22美分了
204--Boy. 老天
205--You got some nerve. 你脸皮可真厚
206--I know. 我知道
207--But I'm desperate. 但我走投无路了
208--I could end up on the streets. 我可能要流落街头
209--That's all I got. Take it. 这是我所有的钱 拿去吧
210--Thank you. 谢谢
211--Scooter, don't. 斯库特 别这样
212--I never meant to upset you. 我没想让你难过
213--I just thought we were having fun. 我以为我们只是玩玩而已
214--You were having fun. 你是玩玩而已
215--I was falling in love. 我是爱上你了
216--I didn't know. 我不知道
217--I'm sorry. 对不起
218--Maybe this turned out for the best. 也许这是最好的结局
219--There's got to be someone out there以后一定会有
220--who'll treat you better than I did. 比我对你更好的人
221--Yeah. You may be onto something. 是啊 也许你说得对
222--What on earth? 你究竟在干什么
223--Did you take another one of her dresses? 你又拿了她另一条裙子吗
224--Our house isn't the only thing that needs to look good today. 今天需要看起来光鲜亮丽的不只是我们家
225--Such a difference in this room. 这间房子大变样了
226--Do you want me to take the rest of our things to the attic? 你想要我把家里剩下的东西拿去阁楼吗
227--- Alma? - Yes. -艾尔玛 -对
228--Take it to the attic. 拿去阁楼吧
229--But... 不过
230--That should go, too. 把那个也拿走
231--The portrait of our family? 我们的全家福
232--- Why? - The woman in that picture-为什么 -照片里的那个女人
233--is not Garden Club material. 可不是园艺俱乐部的料
234--Take it down. 取下来吧
235--It's just for one night. 就一晚上
236--Fine. 好吧
237--It just seems ridiculous. 这太荒谬了
238--Oh, shoot. I forgot about that. 该死 我忘了这个
239--Too bad. 真可惜
240--- Back it goes. - No, wait. -我挂回去 -不 等等
241--I've got a better idea. Come with me. 我有个更好的主意 跟我来
242--Now, this is a painting. 这才叫做画
243--- I like our picture better. - How can you compare them? -我更喜欢我们的照片 -它们怎么能比
244--Well, our portrait says you value family. 我们的全家福表明你重视家庭
245--Uh, you have a loving husband and daughter. 你有爱你的丈夫和女儿
246--I doubt that's going to impress the ladies of the Garden Club. 我不觉得那能打动园艺俱乐部的女士们
247--But this... 但这幅画
248--This will help convince them that we're sophisticates,这幅画能让她们相信我们很有品位
249--that we've been to Paris. 相信我们去过巴黎
250--Why do you want to join a club you can only get into为什么你想加入一个
251--by pretending to be someone you're not? 需要假扮成别人才能加入的俱乐部
252--This painting may not be who I am,这幅画代表的也许不是我
253--but it's who I yearn to be. 但是代表了我渴望成为的人
254--Which is a healthier dream than some I could mention. 这个理想可比有些人的理想健康多了
255--You said you'd stop bringing that up. 你说过你不会再提这件事
256--If you helped me. 如果你帮助我的话
257--Will you take the painting down or not? 你到底要不要取下那幅画
258--Fine. I just hope it's all worth it. 行吧 我只是希望这一切都值得
259--Yes, of course. 当然了
260--It's the one touch the room needs. 整个房间就需要这点睛之笔
261--It was a stroke of genius to come back for it. 我们回来取它简直是天才之举
262--Oh, dear. 天啊
263--Good God. Why are the police here? 老天 警察怎么来了
264--I don't know. 我不知道
265--But let's not discuss it in front of the window. 咱们别在窗前讨论这个
266--Maybe they're investigating Mrs. Yost's disappearance. 他们可能在调查约斯特太太失踪一事
267--Of course. 当然
268--You're right. This is good. 你说得对 这是好事
269--This is what we wanted to happen. 这正是我们想要发生的
270--Not while we're robbing her house. 但不是在我们洗劫她家的时候
271--Right. 也是
272--LAPD! 洛杉矶警察局
273--You see anything? 有看到什么吗
274--Nope. 没有
275--Let's head out the back, all right? 我们从后门出去 可以吗
276--Grab the painting first. 先把画拿上
277--You want me to steal it with the police literally on the doorstep? 你要我在警察就在门口的情况下去偷画
278--We're not stealing it. We're just borrowing it. 我们没偷 只是借而已
279--Yes, I'm sure they'll understand the distinction. 是啊 他们肯定能理解区别
280--Regardless, I need it. 无论如何 我需要它
281--Okay. 好吧
282--Just give me two minutes. All right? 就给我两分钟 行吗
283--I'll help you get out of here. 我帮你离开这里
284--What are you going to do? 你要做什么
285--Alma. 艾尔玛
286--Check that window. 你去看看那扇窗户
287--Officers. 警官们
288--Hello. 你们好
289--Yes. Hi. 你们好
290--Can I help you? 有什么需要帮助的
291--Maybe. Do you know the lady who lives here? 或许吧 你认识住在这里的太太吗
292--Which, this? Yes, this one. 哪家 这家吗 这家
293--Oh, yes. Mrs. Yost. Of course, yes. 当然了 约斯特太太 当然认识了
294--Why do you ask? 为什么问这个
295--Well, when was the last time you saw her? 你上一次见到她是什么时候
296--Um, two days ago. 两天前
297--She was leaving on a trip. 她出发去旅行
298--Somewhere up north, I think. 我想是在北边的什么地方
299--Was she traveling by herself? 她独自一人吗
300--Yes. Yes. 对 是的
301--My-my husband, um, saw her leave, actually. 我丈夫 看到她离开
302--And so did our neighbor across the street. 对面的邻居也都看见了
303--Is-is everything... 一切...
304--Is everything all right? 一切都还好吗
305--Well, we're not sure. 我们不确定
306--Her car was found near San Luis Obispo, in a lake. 我们在圣路易斯-奥比斯波附近的湖里发现了她的车
307--A lake? ! Oh, the news... 湖里 怎么会
308--It's just... 真是太
309--Terrible. Lakes are so... 糟糕了 湖可真是
310--deep, it's-- I'm okay. 太深了 我没事了
311--- You-you sure? - Yes. -您确定吗 -是的
312--I'm so sorry. 非常抱歉
313--You seem pretty emotional. 您好像情绪波动比较大
314--Oh, yes. Well, I am... 是的 我
315--going through the change. You know? 进入更年期了
316--So, was Mrs. Yost planning to meet anyone up north? 那么 约斯特太太有没有说她要去北方见什么人
317--No. 没有
318--Why? Was she seen with someone? 怎么这么问 你们看到她跟别人在一起吗
319--Not that we know of. 那倒没听说过
320--No. But there were footprints on the riverbank. 没有 不过岸边有脚印
321--Two sets. 两个人的
322--Really? 真的吗
323--So, she might still be alive. 所以她有可能还活着
324--Don't worry. We'll keep looking for her. 别担心 我们会尽力寻找
325--Aren't you dedicated? 你们可真是尽职尽责
326--If you gentlemen will excuse me,现在我要失陪一下了
327--- I'm expecting guests shortly. - Of course. -我稍后有客人来访 -当然
328--Here's my card. If you should hear from Mrs. Yost,这是我的名片 万一约斯特太太联系您
329--- give me a call. - Of course. Thank you. -请给我打电话 -好的 谢谢你
330--And, uh, ma'am. 还有 女士
331--Don't be embarrassed. 不必不好意思
332--Hey, my mom is going through the change. 我妈妈也在更年期
333--She sweats even more than you do. 她出的汗比您还多
334--How gallant of you. 你可真是绅士
335--- Hello? - Hey. It's me. -你好 -喂 是我
336--- Got plans for lunch? - Yeah. -想好午餐吃什么了吗 -对
337--I thought I'd leave here at 1:00 and head over to your diner. 我想一点钟走 然后去你的餐厅
338--My shift ends at 12:30. 我十二点半交班
339--Well, that's too bad. You know? 那就太遗憾了
340--I was looking forward to seeing you. 我还想见你呢
341--Well, I could always stay and have lunch with you. 我也可以留下和你共进午餐
342--I'd like that, very much. 乐意之至
343--It's sort of romantic, when you think about it. 仔细想想 多浪漫啊
344--Having our first date at the place we met. 在我们第一次遇见的地方第一次约会
345--Hey, what now? 你说什么
346--See you at 1:00. 一点钟见
347--Did-did you say date? 你刚是说约会吗
348--Hello? 喂
349--You son of a bitch. 你这个混蛋
350--This day just keeps getting better and better. 今天真是越来越精彩了
351--You call yourself a detective? 还当侦探呢
352--You know who Scooter's cleaning lady was? 你知道斯库特雇的清洁工是谁吗
353--She was a 20-year-old in a wig. 是个戴假发的二十岁女孩
354--You knew? 你早就知道
355--Why didn't you tell me? 为什么不告诉我
356--I talked to the girl. 我和那女孩谈过了
357--Told her she could do better than a pretty boy告诉她她能找到更好的
358--who makes her dress up like Ma Kettle. 比那个让她打扮成凯特大妈的帅哥更好
359--She got the message and dumped him. 她听我的劝把他甩了
360--What's her name? 她叫什么名字
361--Why do you want to know? 你为什么想知道
362--She humiliated me. 她羞辱了我
363--I want to see her punished. 我要让她难堪
364--She's a good kid. 她是个好孩子
365--Leave her alone. 别招惹她
366--Mr. Loomis. 卢米斯先生
367--Tell me her name,告诉我她的名字
368--and I'll make it worth your while. 我会酬谢你的
369--Nice try, but I can't be bought. 想得美 我是不会被收买的
370--Please. 得了吧
371--Everyone has a price. 每个人都有价格
372--So how much did Mr. Castillo pay for you? 那卡斯蒂罗先生付你多少钱
373--I beg your pardon. 你说什么
374--It's obvious, you never loved him. 很明显 你从没爱过他
375--You only married him你嫁给他只是因为
376--because you knew he'd buy you pretty things. 你知道他会给你买那些光鲜亮丽的东西
377--But that didn't fill up that hole in your soul. 但这并不能填补你内心的空虚
378--So, you got yourself a gigolo. 所以你给自己找了个小白脸
379--Fooled yourself into thinking that he loved you. 愚弄自己 让自己以为他爱你
380--Now, you know he didn't. 现在你知道他不爱你
381--And so, you're starting to panic because you finally learned于是你开始害怕 因为你终于知道
382--that the real thing ain't for sale. 真情是不能用钱买到的
383--And the guys who might have loved you back in the day而以前可能爱过你的那些男人
384--are now only interested in... 现在只对
385--fresher produce. 年轻姑娘感兴趣
386--You can't speak to me that way. 你不能跟我这样说话
387--No one speaks to me that way. 没人能跟我这样说话
388--Well then, no one's been telling you the truth. 那就没人告诉过你真相
389--What did the police say? 警察说什么了
390--They found Mrs. Yost's car. 他们找到了约斯特太太的车
391--That's all? 就这些
392--You were talking to them for a very long time. 你跟他们聊了很长时间
393--You looked upset. 你看着不开心
394--Of course I looked upset. 我当然看着不开心
395--I just found out that my neighbor is missing. 我刚发现我的邻居失踪了
396--Well, I mean, we almost left your purse in the car. 我们差点把你的包留在车上
397--I was wondering if we'd forgotten anything else. 我在想我们是不是还忘了别的东西
398--If they were onto us. 他们是否在怀疑我们
399--They're not onto us. Just calm down. 他们没有怀疑我们 冷静
400--Sorry. Yes. 对不起 好的
401--I'll just go and take the rest of our family up to the attic. 我去把我们家其他东西拿到阁楼上去
402--Bertie? 伯特
403--Yes, dear? 怎么了 亲爱的
404--I was right about the painting. 我把画拿过来是对的
405--It really does bring the whole room together. 它确实让我们家蓬荜生辉
406--Yes, dear. 是的 亲爱的
407--So I was thinking after this, we could go to a movie. 所以我想我们吃完饭可以去看电影
408--The new Abbott and Costello is playing down the street. 艾伯特与卡斯特罗的新电影正在上映
409--That sound good? 怎么样
410--Sure. 可以
411--Okay. What gives? 好吧 发生什么事了
412--What do you mean? 什么意思
413--Ever since you got here, I've been doing all the talking. 你来了之后 一直是我在说话
414--Where's the sarcasm? 嘲讽呢
415--The snide banter? 挖苦呢
416--Guess I'm a... 也许是我
417--I'm a little nervous. 我有点紧张
418--On the phone, you said this was a date. 你在电话上说这是约会
419--Yeah. So? 是的 那又怎样
420--Yeah. So, it-it's been a while for me. 我挺长时间没约会了
421--That doesn't make sense. 这没道理啊
422--You're such a nice guy. 你人这么好
423--There must be tons of girls wanting to snap you up. 肯定有很多姑娘追你
424--Yeah, well... 这个嘛
425--Surely, you must have had someone special. 你肯定有过特别的人
426--There was this one girl. 是有一个女孩
427--We were engaged. 我们订婚了
428--What happened? 发生什么事了
429--I went to war,我去参军打仗了
430--and she didn't like the guy who came back. 她并不喜欢从战场归来的那个人
431--You must have seen a lot of death, huh? 你肯定见了很多死亡
432--Well, it was a war. 毕竟是战争
433--If there's no death, it's just guys in helmets on vacation. 如果没有阵亡 那就是带着盔甲度假了
434--There we go. 这就对了
435--There's my snide banter. 这才是我记忆中的挖苦
436--Here you go, mister. 上菜了 先生
437--One chuck steak, very rare. 牛肩扒 3分熟
438--Thanks. 谢谢
439--Oh, and, miss? 小姐
440--Yeah? 怎么了
441--- I'm gonna need a knife. - Sure. -我需要餐刀 -好的
442--Bertram, they're here. 伯特伦 她们到了
443--Put the kettle on and get your jacket. 去烧上水 穿上外套
444--You weren't this nervous when the police showed up. 警察来了你都没这么紧张
445--There's not a cop alive who scares me没有任何一个警察
446--as much as Rita Castillo does. 能像丽塔·卡斯蒂罗一样让我害怕
447--What a shabby little house. 这房子还挺寒碜
448--Oh, but the garden's lovely. Don't you think? 但花园挺漂亮的 你不觉得吗
449--Daisies, ferns and poppies? 雏菊 蕨草 罂粟花
450--God. 天啊
451--Why doesn't she just hang a sign saying,她不如直接挂个标识牌
452--"We're middle class"? 我们是中产阶级
453--Someone's in a mood. 某人心情不好啊
454--Sorry. It's been one of those days. 抱歉 今天比较低落
455--Well, just don't take it out on Alma. All right? 不要向艾尔玛撒气 好吗
456--It's bad enough we're showing up here unannounced. 我们不请自来已经够失礼了
457--Okay. 好了
458--Ladies. 女士们
459--Hello. 你好
460--What a surprise. 真是惊喜啊
461--I know you expected a formal interview我知道你本来是要和会员委员会
462--with the membership committee, but Rita decided... 进行正式的面试 但丽塔决定
463--We decided to just drop by. 我们决定上门拜访
464--Get a sense of your home, and how you live. 了解一下你的家 和你的生活方式
465--You know? See the real you. 就是了解真实的你
466--Well, here I am. 我就在这儿
467--Do come in. 请进
468--Please make yourselves comfortable. Hello. 大家请不要客气 你好
469--Right. Hello. 你好
470--Did we catch you at a bad time? 我们来得不是时候吗
471--Oh, no. I-I-I was... 没有 我 我刚刚
472--just cleaning. 在打扫卫生
473--In that? 穿着这身
474--Oh. Yes. 没错
475--I, uh, well, I'm stopping by my church later我 我等会要去趟教堂
476--with some homemade scones for their bake sale. 给他们的烤饼义卖送点烤饼
477--When they're out of the oven, perhaps you'd like to try some. 等会出炉了你们也尝尝吧
478--And they're done. 烤好了
479--What perfect timing. 时间正好
480--A little too perfect. 有点太正好了
481--Now that we have our beverages,大家都喝过茶了
482--can I offer you a tour in my garden? 我带各位去参观一下我的花园吧
483--No need. We saw it on our way in. 不用了 我们进来的时候看过了
484--Are you sure you saw the whole garden? 你确定整个花园都看过了吗
485--It's not a large property. 也不是多大个地方
486--Alma. What a nice piano. 艾尔玛 好漂亮的钢琴
487--You know, I used to play. 我以前经常弹
488--But my manicurist told me to stop. 但是我的美甲师不让我弹了
489--I kept breaking my nails. 我老是弄坏指甲
490--Speaking of nails,说到指甲
491--how do you ladies keep your hands so lovely各位女士你们是怎么做到打理花园
492--and tend to your gardens? 还把手保护得这么精致的
493--Mine are just a fright from all the weeding and thorns. 我的手碰不得那些种子和小刺
494--Did I say something funny? 我说的话很好笑吗
495--They're just amused她们觉得很好笑
496--because you think we do our own gardening. 因为你以为我们自己打理花园
497--I get it. 我懂了
498--I just, I just assumed我 我太想当然了
499--because you're all so fond of flowers... 因为你们都喜欢花
500--I'm also fond of roast chickens. 我也喜欢烤鸡
501--Doesn't mean I want to chop their heads off. 并不代表我想剁掉它们的头
502--Why not? You'd be so good at it. 为什么不呢 你肯定会很拿手
503--Alma, I love all of your knickknacks. 艾尔玛 我喜欢你这些小摆件
504--Especially that painting of Paris. 尤其是那幅巴黎的画
505--You know, it's my favorite city. 巴黎是我最喜欢的城市
506--Have you ever been? 你去过吗
507--Oh, yes. Oh... 去过
508--Many times. 好多次
509--Many times? 好多次
510--Tell me, where do you like to stay when you're in Paris? 那你说说 你去巴黎喜欢住在哪儿
511--Oh, we-- Oh... 我们
512--Well, we always... 我们一般
513--Bertram, help me. 伯特伦 帮我想想
514--Where do we stay in Paris? 我们去巴黎一般住哪家酒店
515--Hotel? Pied-à-terre? 酒店 或者临时寓所
516--Oh, that's it. Yes. 没错就是这个 没错
517--That's the one. The Hotel Pied-à-Terre. 就叫这个 临时寓所酒店
518--It's so charming. 那地方相当迷人
519--The "Hotel Pied-à-Terre. ""临时寓所酒店"
520--I think that's the name. 我觉得是叫这个名字
521--More guests. 又有客人来了
522--- Bertram. Shall we? - On my way. -伯特伦 我们去开门 -来了
523--You might have been more helpful back there. 刚刚你怎么不帮帮我
524--I don't lie as nimbly as you. 我不像你一样谎话张口就来
525--- Hello. - Joan. -你们好 -琼
526--I hope you don't mind me bringing my Aunt Martha. 希望你们不介意我把我的姑姑玛莎也带来了
527--Her doctor's appointment ran late,她的会诊延误了
528--and there wasn't time to get her home first. 所以没来得及把她先送回家
529--I don't have to come in. 我不一定要进去
530--I can wait in the car. 我可以在车里等你
531--Then complain all the way home I abandoned you? 然后听你在回家路上不停抱怨我把你抛下了吗
532--I'm not falling for that again. 我不会再犯同样的错误了
533--The more the merrier. So... 人多更热闹 那么
534--Please come in. 请进吧
535--This way. Yes. You, too. 这边请 没错 你也是
536--Welcome. Welcome. 欢迎 欢迎
537--Take the old woman to the dining room. 把那个老女人带去饭厅
538--She's clearly in a foul mood. 她明显心情不好
539--I don't want her ruining my party for the nice ladies. 我可不想让她毁了我为人美心善的夫人们准备的聚会
540--When do they arrive? 人美心善的夫人们在哪儿呢
541--Think, uh, think that's enough tip? 你觉得小费给够了吗
542--Sure. I'll take it over to Judy. 当然 我去拿给朱迪
543--We need to hurry if we're going to make that movie. 我们得快点不然赶不上电影了
544--All right. 好吧
545--Sid Hemple. 希德·亨普尔
546--What're you doing here? 你在这里干什么
547--What do you think, Mr. Loomis? 你认为呢 卢米斯先生
548--I think you're following me. 我认为你在跟踪我
549--Doesn't feel good, does it? 感觉并不好 对吗
550--Knowing you're being watched. 知道你在被人监视着
551--Is there another way out of this place? 这里还有别的出口吗
552--Through the kitchen. Why? 可以从厨房走 怎么了
553--We got a situation. There's no time to explain. 我们遇上了点麻烦 现在没时间解释了
554--Okay. Follow me. 好吧 跟我来
555--Vern, who is that creep? 维恩 那个变态是谁
556--The husband of one of my clients. 我一位客户的丈夫
557--- He looks angry. - Yeah, well,-他看起来很生气 -没错
558--I know what she'll be getting in alimony. 我知道她会得到多少赡养费
559--Trust me, he's furious. 所以相信我 他气炸了
560--Where do you think you're going, Loomis? 你想去哪儿 卢米斯
561--Look, just calm down, Sid. 冷静点 希德
562--All right? We-we don't want any trouble. 好吗 我们不想找麻烦
563--That's too bad because you got it. 那真可惜 因为麻烦找上你了
564--In buckets. 而且是大麻烦
565--Dee. 小迪
566--- Go back into the diner. - The hell I will. -回餐馆去 -我不要
567--Do what I'm telling you! 照我说的做
568--Vern! 维恩
569--Don't you touch him! 你别碰他
570--What are you doing? 你们在干什么
571--Help! This man just attacked us! 救命 这个人袭击了我们
572--Stop! 站住
573--Vern, did he cut you? 维恩 他伤到你了吗
574--Your leg. How bad is it? 你的腿 严重吗
575--- Let me see. - Okay. I'm fine. -让我看看 -我没事
576--I said I was fine. 说了我没事
577--You're kind to look after me. 你真是好心来照顾我
578--And I'm sorry I spoiled your party. 很抱歉我毁掉了你的聚会
579--it's not my party. 不是我的聚会
580--I'm delighted you're here. 我很高兴你来了
581--Well, you're the only one. 只有你这么想
582--I don't fit in with my niece's fancy friends. 我跟我侄女那些高贵的朋友们合不来
583--Well, do you want to know a secret? 告诉你个秘密
584--Neither do I. 我也一样
585--And I'm not sure my wife does either. 我觉得我太太也跟她们合不来
586--Refills. 续杯吗
587--Martha? Are you all right? 玛莎 你还好吗
588--Never get old, Bertram. 千万别变老 伯特伦
589--Oh, you lose so much. 你会失去很多
590--Your home, your freedom, your health. 你的家 你的自由 你的健康
591--Your health? 你的健康
592--Are you ill? 你生病了吗
593--I'm falling apart. 我快散架了
594--Oh, but you don't want to hear how sick I am. 但是你不会想听我的病情的
595--But I do. 但是我想
596--I really do. 我真的想
597--Does anyone else need wine? 还有人需要红酒吗
598--Well, I could certainly use some. 我肯定要再来点
599--The week I have had. 我这一周过得啊
600--Well, first, my sister dumps Aunt Martha on my doorstep. 首先 我姐姐把玛莎姨妈扔到了我门口
601--Then I met my 24-year-old son's然后我见到了我24岁儿子的
602--new girlfriend, Myra. 新女友 迈拉
603--Chip is dating a twice-divorced fry cook and--奇普正在跟一个离过两次婚的油炸工约会
604--get this-- she's 36. 还有一点 她36岁了
605--- No. - Yes, so... -不是吧 -是啊 所以...
606--So, pour like there's no tomorrow. 给我多倒一点
607--Thirty-six? 三十六岁
608--That's what? 这才多少
609--12 years older? 大了12岁
610--I know. 就是说啊
611--He is tossing his life away. 他简直是浪费大好前程
612--No, no, no. What I'm saying is,不不不 我的意思是
613--it's not that much of an age difference. 这也不是很大的年龄差距啊
614--Right? 对吧
615--Grace, you're out of tea. I'll make some more. 格蕾丝 你没有茶了 我再去泡点
616--Maybe I didn't make this clear. 也许我没说清楚
617--Chip wants to marry Myra. 奇普想跟迈拉结婚
618--Ah. I mean, how can I get grandchildren when this dame这个老女人没多久就要绝经了
619--is five minutes away from menopause? 我还怎么抱孙子啊
620--I hate cradle robbers. 我讨厌不生孩子的
621--You just want to shake them and say,你真就想摇着他们说
622--"Honey, that kid on your arm who makes you feel so young,"亲爱的 你怀里抱着的让你感到无比年轻的孩子
623--is making you look really old. "其实显得你非常老"
624--- It's so sad. - It's sad. -太可悲了 -是的呢
625--- Yes, it is sad. - It's sad. -是的 太可悲了 -真可悲
626--Excuse me. 失陪下
627--Do you need more wine? 你要再来点红酒吗
628--Actually,I was wondering if you had anything stronger. 其实 我在想有没有更烈一点的
629--Oh, you mean like spirits? 你是说烈酒吗
630--Yes. Of course. 有的 当然有了
631--Is everything all right? 你还好吧
632--Oh, I'm just having a bad day. 今天就是不怎么顺心
633--Rye whiskey? 黑麦威士忌
634--Well, I guess beggars can't be choosers. 好吧 乞丐也没资格挑肥拣瘦了
635--It's hard for me to imagine Rita Castillo having a bad day. 很难想象出丽塔·卡斯蒂罗会有不顺心的一天
636--Why? Because I'm rich? 为什么 因为我有钱吗
637--Because you're so beautiful. 因为你漂亮啊
638--That hurt. 扎嗓子
639--Do you have any ginger ale? 你这有姜汁汽水吗
640--Yes. 有的
641--You probably take your looks for granted. 也许你已经习惯了这样的美貌
642--But believe me,但是相信我
643--you're breathtaking. 你美得让人窒息
644--Well, I used to be. 那是曾经的我
645--Beauty like yours doesn't fade. 你的美貌是不会消逝的
646--You'll be stunning until your dying day. 你到死那天都会一直光彩夺目
647--You don't know what I would give to look in the mirror,为了能在照镜子的时候看到你这样的脸
648--just once, and see a face like yours gazing back at me. 哪怕只有一次 我都愿意放弃一切
649--Why, even standing here now,就算是现在站在这里
650--talking to you like we're two old friends, I... 跟你像好友一样聊天 我...
651--I feel like I've won the lottery. 都觉得自己像中了彩票一样
652--I'm babbling, aren't I? 我话太多了是吧
653--I always seem to do that with you. 跟你在一起的时候我老是这样
654--What you must think of me. 你会怎么看我啊
655--I think you're a very nice lady. 我觉得你是一位非常善良的女士
656--Probably too nice for this club. 对于这个俱乐部而言甚至太过善良了
657--Though you do seem to have a few tricks up your sleeve. 尽管你似乎有一些什么小秘密
658--How do you mean? 这是什么意思
659--Alma, if you've been to Paris,艾尔玛 如果你算是去过巴黎
660--I've been to the moon. 那我就算是去过月球
661--I'm so embarrassed about that. 刚才真的让我很难为情
662--I-I do, I know better than to put on airs. 的确 我不至于蠢到去摆架子
663--Oh, you weren't putting on airs. 你不是在摆架子
664--You were putting on armor. 你是在"摆盔甲"
665--Armor? 盔甲
666--Like that dress. 比如这条裙子
667--Now, come on. That's never been in your closet. 我敢说 这条裙子肯定不是你的
668--No. You're right. I, um... 你说得对 这是我
669--borrowed it. 借的
670--Well, good for you. 真好
671--I admire women who try to remake themselves. 我很佩服那些试图重塑自己的女人
672--Reject the hand they were dealt,拒绝发给她们的一手烂牌
673--become someone new. 变成新的自己
674--Smarter, prettier, stronger. 一个更聪明 更漂亮 更强大的自己
675--When women like us do it well enough,当像我们这样的女人做得足够好的时候
676--no one can imagine we were ever anyone else. 没人能想象得到曾经的我们有多不一样
677--I feel like you have so much to teach me. 我觉得你能教给我许多
678--Well, maybe I will. 或许我真的能
679--My time has freed up a bit. 我最近空出了一些时间
680--I can use a new project. 正好需要个新项目
681--That mean you'll let me be in the club? 意思是说你会让我加入俱乐部吗
682--Sure. 当然
683--Under one condition. 不过有一个条件
684--You got to start stocking better booze. 你得开始采购更好的酒
685--I-I really need to see Rita. 我真的需要见丽塔
686--She told me you cheated on her with a fat girl. 她告诉我你背着她和一个胖女孩乱搞
687--She doesn't want to ever see you again. 她再也不想看见你了
688--I know she's mad. 我知道她很生气
689--But I don't got a cent. 但我现在身无分文
690--And I need a place to sleep tonight. 我今天晚上需要找个睡觉的地方
691--Is there any way you could give me ten bucks? 你能给我十美元吗
692--I-I'm begging. 求你了
693--For God's sake. Wait here. 真对你没办法 在这等着
694--Do I know you? 我认识你吗
695--I don't think so. 应该不认识
696--I do. 我知道了
697--You work for the dry cleaner. 你是干洗店的
698--Yeah. That's me. 对 就是我
699--I'm Catherine, Mr. Castillo's daughter. 我是凯瑟琳 卡斯蒂罗先生的女儿
700--Don't move. 你别走
701--I took this out of my household account. 我从家用钱包里拿了这些
702--But I'm on a budget, so don't ask for more. 但我也经济拮据 所以别再问我要更多
703--How much is it? 这有多少钱
704--Six dollars and 52 cents. 6. 52美元
705--I'm so glad I caught you. 你还留着可太好啦
706--I don't know if these pants can be salvaged. 我不知道这裤子还能不能抢救一下
707--You see, my papa, he's not well. 你知道的 我爸爸他 身体不太好
708--So, he has his "accidents. "他时不时会出点"事故"
709--Just clean them as best as you can. 尽你所能洗干净点就好
710--Don't you worry, ma'am. 包在我身上 女士
711--We'll get your father's pants as good as new. 我们会把您父亲的裤子洗得光彩如新
712--I forgot. 我想起来了
713--You still owe me 20, for those linens last week. 你还欠20美元没给我 上周干洗衣服的钱
714--Thanks. 谢了
715--If it's not too forward of me to say, ma'am,希望我说这话不会太唐突 女士
716--that scarf looks lovely on you. 您戴着这条围巾真好看
717--Thank you. 谢谢
718--What a charming young man. 多有魅力的小伙子
719--So, you're sure that it's cancer? 这么说你确定是癌症
720--Yes. 确定
721--And the pain is intolerable. 而且疼得要命
722--But I've gone on about my suffering long enough. 但我一直在唠叨我的痛苦
723--How bored you must be. 你一定听烦了吧
724--No, it's fine. 没有 还好
725--In fact, if you ever want some company... 其实 如果你想有个伴儿的话
726--You would come visit an old windbag like me? 你会来看我这个啰嗦的老太太
727--What a dear man you are. 你真是太好了
728--And then, after all that,之后 弄完那些
729--I had to put up all the ornaments myself. 我不得不自己挂那些装饰品
730--Why didn't your husband help you? 为什么你丈夫不帮你
731--Oh, don't get me started on my husband. 别让我提起我的丈夫
732--Oh, Joan. 琼
733--No one has to get you started. 不用别人跟你提起
734--You're self-winding. 你自己会主动提起的
735--Is that your way of saying你的意思是说
736--I've been dominating the conversation? 我一直在抢话吗
737--Fine. 好吧
738--Alma, the powder room is... ? 艾尔玛 洗手间在
739--- Just down the hall. - Thank you. -就在走廊尽头 -谢谢
740--Honestly? 开什么玩笑
741--A ten-minute story about hanging Christmas decorations? 挂个圣诞节饰品都能讲上十分钟
742--Don't be mean, Rita. 别这么刻薄 丽塔
743--I-I adore Joan. I do. 我喜欢琼 真的
744--It's just, she's such a damn chatterbox. 只不过 她简直就是个话匣子
745--Don't you agree, Alma? 你觉得呢 艾尔玛
746--Well, I-I-I could listen to Joan talk about herself all day. 我可以听琼说上一整天她的事
747--And... 而且
748--if I get into the club, I suppose I will. 如果我能进俱乐部 我想我会的
749--You said your wife didn't fit in with my niece's friends. 你说你妻子和我侄女的朋友们合不来
750--Sounds to me, she's fitting in just fine. 在我看来 她们相处得很融洽
751--Alma. 艾尔玛
752--Do you have a dog? 你养狗吗
753--We're taking care of our neighbor's. Why? 我们在帮着照看邻居的狗 怎么了
754--You better put it on a leash. 你最好栓上它
755--It's in your garden, digging like mad. 它正在你的花园里疯狂刨土
756--What are we going to do? 我们该怎么办
757--Tie up the dog. 把狗绑起来
758--Get a shovel and some fertilizer from the toolshed. 去工具房拿把铲子和化肥
759--Cover the body. 盖住尸体
760--I'll keep the ladies inside until you're done. 我会拖住她们 直到你搞定
761--Come, Aunt Martha. It's time to go. 快来 玛莎姨妈 该走了
762--And hurry. 快去啊
763--Alma, there you are. 艾尔玛 你在这啊
764--We were just saying our goodbyes. 我们正要告辞呢
765--You're leaving? So soon? 你们要走了 这么快
766--Well, you've been very gracious,你很热情
767--but we don't want to overstay our welcome. 但我们不想打扰你太久
768--No. You can't leave. 不 你们不能走
769--Why? 为什么
770--It's not safe. 不安全
771--We're-we're looking after our-our neighbor's dog. 我们在照看我们邻居的狗
772--Vicious little beast,凶恶的小野兽
773--it's already bitten several people this week. 这周已经咬了好几个人了
774--We had him tied up out back, but he got loose. 我们把它拴在后面 但它挣脱了
775--Bertram is subduing him. 伯特伦正在制服它
776--But while he does, let's just stay safe and sound. 在此期间 我们别出意外
777--It's been too nice a party to end in shrieks and ankle bites. 聚会这么开心 我可不想在尖叫和咬伤中结束
778--Just how dangerous is he? 它到底有多危险
779--Ah, you know what would help pass the time is music. 音乐可以帮助打发时间
780--Mavis, I know that your manicurist will scold you,梅维斯 我知道你的美甲师会骂你
781--but would you play something for us? 你能给我们弹奏点什么吗
782--Play? Sure. 弹奏 当然
783--You know, I sing as well. 我也会唱歌
784--As well as who? 还有谁
785--Rita. I'm sure she sings marvelously. 丽塔 她唱得肯定很好听
786--Ladies, gather round now. 姐妹们快过来
787--Mavis is going to dazzle us. All right. 梅维斯要惊艳全场了
788--Now, this is a little something I used to sing in college. 我以前在大学时经常唱这首歌
789--* In olden days a glimpse of stocking **过去 瞥见了长筒女袜*
790--* Was looked on as something shocking **都叫人惊叹不已*
791--* Now heaven knows **如今谁知道*
792--Everybody sing. 大家唱起来
793--* Anything goes... **怎么都行*
794--Rocco. Rocco! 洛克 洛克
795--Come here! 过来
796--* Writing prose... **写文章*
797--What are you doing? No. 你在干什么 不要
798--* The world has gone mad today **世界已变疯狂*
799--* And good's bad today **好的变成坏的*
800--* And black's white today **黑白颠倒*
801--* And day's night today **白天变成黑夜*
802--* When most guys today **现如今大多数女人*
803--* That women prize today **珍视的男人*
804--* Are just silly gigolos **都只是愚蠢的舞男*
805--* So though I'm not a great romancer... **所以尽管我不是传奇小说作家*
806--Oh, shush! 嘘
807--* When I propose **当我求婚的时候*
808--* Anything goes **怎么都行*
809--* Anything goes **怎么都行*
810--* Anything goes. **怎么都行*
811--So how's he doing? 他怎么样
812--He refuses to go to the hospital. 他不肯去医院
813--Vern. 维恩
814--I'm fine. I just needed a few stitches. 我没事 我只需要缝几针
815--I need you to stay put for a sec. 你先别动
816--You still got to sign a release form. 你还得签署一份免责声明书
817--So... 那么
818--Why didn't you tell me about your leg? 你怎么没跟我说过你的腿
819--You mean the one that looks like a charred piece of barbecue? 你是说看起来像烧焦的烤肉的那条腿吗
820--Golly. I'm not sure. 天 我也不知道
821--Is that why your girl dumped you? 你女朋友就是因为这个跟你分手的吗
822--I wrote her from a hospital bed in France,我躺在法国的病床上给她写信
823--and I told her I got hurt real bad. 我告诉她我受了很严重的伤
824--She wrote back saying I served my country,她回信说 我在为国效力
825--and she was proud of me. 她为我感到自豪
826--That it didn't matter to her. 她不介意
827--But when I got back home and she saw... 但是当我回家后 她看见了...
828--The look on her face was... 她当时的表情真是...
829--She didn't handle it well? 她难以接受吗
830--No. 是的
831--She broke up with me a week later. 一周后她跟我分手了
832--That's why you haven't dated anyone else? 所以你就再也不跟别人约会了吗
833--You just gave up on love? 你就这样放弃了爱情吗
834--I couldn't stand to see that look on another woman's face. 我不愿再从其他女人脸上看到那表情
835--Besides, there's... 而且 还有...
836--there's worse things than being alone. 还有比孤独更糟糕的事情
837--I'm right here,我就在这里
838--and I'm not going anywhere. 我哪儿也不去
839--Now, what is going on here? 这是什么回事
840--Rohbin. 罗宾
841--You know, I thought I smelled cheap cologne. 我就说我闻到了廉价古龙香水的味道
842--That's Detective Rohbin to you now, Loomis. 现在该叫我罗宾警探了 卢米斯
843--Mike and I, we used to work together我还在军队的时候
844--back when I was on the force. 我和麦克曾经共事过
845--This here is Dee Fillcot. 这位是小迪·菲尔科特
846--Is this guy bothering you, ma'am? 这家伙在骚扰你吗 女士
847--Because I can arrest him right now. 我可以马上逮捕他
848--No. You don't need to do that. 不 你不用这么做
849--See... 明白了吗
850--I'm his girl. 我是他女朋友
851--Is that so? 是这样吗
852--Yeah. 是的
853--She's my girl. 她是我女朋友
854--It was lovely having you. 很高兴你们能来
855--I think we should sing at every party, don't you? 我觉得我们应该在每场聚会上都唱歌 你觉得呢
856--Oh, my goodness. 我的天哪
857--Thanks again, Alma. 再次感谢你 艾尔玛
858--I can't remember when I've had a better time. 我都不记得什么时候比今天更开心了
859--It was truly my pleasure. 我十分荣幸
860--I do hope I'll see you all again soon. 希望很快能再见到你们
861--I'm absolutely sure you will. 我十分确信你会的
862--Bye. 再见
863--Bertie. 伯特
864--It was a triumph. 今天很成功
865--The last thing Rita said to me was... 丽塔对我说的最后一句话是...
866--What're you doing? 你在干什么
867--The party's over. 聚会结束了
868--The sooner we return Mrs. Yost's things, the better. 我们应该归还约斯特太太的东西 越快越好
869--I'm not sure I agree. 我不太同意
870--What? 什么
871--We can't keep these things. 我们不能留着这些东西
872--Well... 这个...
873--It's not as if Mrs. Yost is going to miss them. 约斯特太太也没机会怀念这些了
874--And today was such a success. 而且今天真是大获成功
875--If, by some miracle, I... 要是老天开眼 我...
876--I do get into the club,我真进了那个俱乐部
877--I'll be expected to host the ladies again. 我还要招待这些女士的
878--How will I explain the disappearance到时候这些高级玩意都不见了
879--of all of our nicest things? 我该作何解释
880--You'll make something up. 你能想到借口的
881--Apparently, you're quite good at that. 很明显 你很擅长编造借口
882--I don't like your tone. 我不喜欢你的语气
883--I don't like yours. 我也不喜欢你的语气
884--I want our things back. 我想摆回我们自己的东西
885--I liked my home the way it was. 我喜欢家里原来的样子
886--I like you the way you were. 我喜欢原来的你
887--I love the woman in this photograph. 我爱照片中的那个女人
888--Well, I don't! 我不爱
889--In fact, I hate her. 事实上 我讨厌她
890--She wanted so much out of life. 她本对生活有很多追求
891--Others convinced her that she wasn't worthy. 其他人却告诉她 她不配拥有
892--So, she told herself to be happy with the scraps所以 她劝服自己满足于
893--that were thrown her way. 这些让她丧失自我的残羹冷炙
894--She gobbled them up with gratitude. 让她心怀感激地吞下这一切
895--One day, she realized that... 有一天 她终于意识到
896--... she deserved more. 自己应得到更多
897--That's what Dee and I are to you, is it? Scraps? 在你心里我和小迪就是这样 对吗 残羹冷炙
898--Of course not. 当然不是
899--My family is my heart. 家就是我的全部
900--And I have been happy within these four walls. 我一直很满意这个家
901--But there's a big, beautiful world out there但外面的世界缤纷多姿
902--I've never been a part of. 我却从未踏足过
903--The women in-in this Garden Club,园艺俱乐部的这些女人
904--they can be my tour guides. 她们可以做我的向导
905--They can introduce me to everything life has to offer. 她们可以带我见识生活中所有美好
906--Bertie... 伯特
907--Help me be the woman I want to be. 帮我成为我心中的那个女人吧
908--Let's bury the old Alma. 将曾经的艾尔玛深埋入土
909--Whatever you want, my love. 都听你的 亲爱的
910--I know some of the girls want to nominate Ada Coy for the new spot,我知道有人想提名艾达·科伊填补新成员空缺
911--but I think we have to consider Alma. 但我认为我们应该考虑一下艾尔玛
912--She'd be an unusual choice. 虽然她有点不符合我们的标准
913--But I really like her. 不过我还挺喜欢她的
914--Me, too. 我也是
915--Rita, what do you think? 丽塔 你觉得呢
916--I think Alma is absolutely我觉得艾尔玛
917--Elysian Park Garden Club material. 非常适合极乐公园园艺俱乐部
918--Lovely. 太好了
919--I will schedule a vote with the whole club. 那我去安排所有俱乐部成员投票表决
920--I'll call Sue, and I'll make sure that... 我去打给苏 确保...
921--Well, we could have it at my house. 我们可以在我家投票
922--As Rita watched the Fillcots kiss,当丽塔看着菲尔科特夫妇亲吻时
923--she had the strangest sensation. 她突然有种非常奇怪的感觉
924--She actually envied Alma. 她反而有点嫉妒艾尔玛了
925--For her happy marriage, 嫉妒她幸福的婚姻
926--her crooked little home, and her simple little life. 她那拿不上台面的小家 还有她不起眼的简单生活
927--And for a moment, 有那么一刻
928--she wondered if maybe Alma had something to teach her她在想或许艾尔玛能教会她
929--about attaining true happiness. 如何获得真正的幸福
930--But that thought vanished with the arrival但随着一个陌生又熟悉身影的到来
931--of an oddly familiar face. 这个想法消失殆尽
932--When Rita realized who this girl was ,当丽塔认出这个女孩时
933--her envy was washed away, 她的嫉妒之心被冲刷一尽
934--and replaced with an emotion随之而来的是
935--far more insidious. 一个更为阴险的念头


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