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发表于 2023-2-3 13:08:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
等了好久的season2终于上映了,目前更新到第三集,里面的主题对于第一部还是有很多的延续。本人最不能忍的还是那个兽医veterinarian, murder了别人还以为自己是高尚的。而关于euthanasia (安乐死)也是一个备受争议的话题。
Drab /dræb/ adj.(尤指外表)单调乏味的,缺乏生气的(可以指人或者建筑)
» drab women, dressed in browns and greys
» I feel so drab in this grey uniform.
» his drab little office
【拓展】《摩登家庭》Modern Family S2E2里面在表达某衣服不太鲜艳,让人看起来苍 白或者没有活力时,用的表达是:wash sb out — make sb or sth. look faded, pale or less vibrant0   “Because the gray one washes me out.我穿灰色不好看。”
sparrow麻雀,drab sparrow此处可以理解为“平凡无奇的人”
plain adj.相貌平常的,不好看的:not beautiful or attractive
» a plain carpet makes a room look bigger
draw on 利用,凭借=make use of
T 立非常温和的女性只是她在某一天 A very meek woman, who, one day...
meek adj.温顺的,顺从的
»They called her Miss Mouse because she was so meek and mild.
inconsequential /in'kanss'kwEnJbl/ adj.不重要的,微不足道的
» inconsequential details
» Most of what she said was pretty inconsequential.
infamous /'infsmss/ adj.声名狼藉的,臭名昭著的=notorious be infamous for sth.因为…而臭名昭著
get one’ s hopes up对某事抱有很大期望,满怀期望 idiotic /'idi'atik/ adj.愚蠢的,白痴般的
» What an idiotic thing to say!
grab a bite吃点东西(非正式语);随便吃几口 ;先吃点东西垫垫肚子 at the diner /'daine/ (全天营业的)小餐馆,小饭馆
sloppy /'slapi/ adj.草率的,马虎的,凌乱的;(衣服)宽大的,松松垮垮的
» When your clothes look sloppy, so do you.如果你的衣服看起来邋遢,你也一样。
know one’ s way around /about 熟谙业务,熟悉道路=be familiar with
» Thanks to smartphones, you don't need to know your way around a professional camera to take a fine picture these days.
» I don't know my way around the building yet, so can you direct me to the cafeteria?
a needle and thread 针线
chic /Jik/ adj.时髦的,别致的=stylish/ on-trend/ fashionable
memorable adj.难忘的,容易记住的=unforgettable
» a memorable performance /line /phrase /moment /experience
» make sth memorable
companionship 友谊,交往
companion [c]同伴,陪伴
» Dogs are men’ s good companions — loyal and lovable.
yearn for sb /sth 渴望
intrude /in'trod/ v.打扰,侵扰 intrude into /on sb /sth
enthusiast /in'Guzi笆st/ n.热衷者,热心者,爱好者
» a sports enthusiast 体育迷
» a keep-fit enthusiast 健身爱好者
» an enthusiast of jazz 爵士乐爱好者
fellow adj.同伴的,伙伴的
» a talent for making her fellow guests laugh 一种把客人逗笑的才能
» my fellow inmates treated me with kindness 狱友们对我很友善
enthrall /En'0rol/ v.迷住,吸引
become enthralled with 被迷住
enthrall sb with sth通过某种方式把某人迷住
» Susie is a great storyteller, so I'm sure she'll enthrall you all with her latest tale.
goddess极受崇敬的女人,女神 » a screen goddess 银幕女神
sordid /'sordid/ adj.(行为)卑鄙的,可耻的
» He sat with his head buried in his hands as his sordid double life was revealed.
discreet /di'skrit/ adj.言语谨慎的,慎重的,小心点
» They were gossipy and not always discreet.他们很爱传闲话,而且常常口无遮拦。
specialty [c]n.专门职业,本行;专业,专长
» His specialty is international law.他的专长是国际法。
infidelity /,infi'd£loti/ n.(夫妻或伴侣间)不忠实,不贞=cheat on sb.(下图) [opp.] fidelity n.忠诚
bread and butter谋生之计,谋生的职业
» Gardening is my bread and butter at the moment.眼下园艺工作是我的谋生之道。
【拓展】bring home the bacon养家糊口
» I can't sit around all day - someone's got to bring home the bacon.我不能整天坐着无所 事事 家里总得有个养家糊口的人。
make a living挣钱,谋生
a /one hell of sb/ sth : (inf.)a very bad /good person or thing 极度地
» Boy, that is one hell of a haircut. You're going to go out in public like that?
lousy /'laozi/ adj. (inf.)很差的,糟糕的=awful /terrible
» What lousy weather!n天气真糟糕!
» a lousy weekendn糟糕的周末
forgive me: used in speech as a polite way of starting to say something that may seem rude or unpleasant对不起,原谅我
» Forgive me, but something has come up and I have to leave right away.
work nights: to work in the evenings 在晚上工作
» I used to work nights, but it took such a toll on my sleeping that I switched back to the day shift.
down: (informal) to or at a local place such as a shop /store, pub, etc.至山去,在(当地的商 店、酒馆等地方)
»I saw him down at the shops.我刚才看到他在那边的商店里。
chanteuse /Jan't3:z/n.出自法语(尤指在剧院或酒吧演唱的)女歌手a female singer of popular songs, especially in a nightclub
tawdry /'todri/ adj.令人讨厌的,卑鄙的,下流的
» a tawdry affair卑鄙下流的勾当
tail v.跟踪,盯梢,尾随
broad n. (inf.) (disapproval) [AM美]女人,娘们,婆娘(可能具有冒犯意味)
» I wouldn't trust them in spite of all their la-di-da manners.la-di-da [old-fashioned, disapproval]故作上流人士姿态的;故充高雅的;装腔作势的= snobbish
gawk (at sb /sth) /gok/ (inf.) 呆头呆脑地看,傻看:to stare at someone or something, obviously and awkwardly.
» Why are you standing there, gawking at me?
fancy /'f笆nsi/ 别致的,精美的:with a lot of decoration= exquisite
» fancy jewelry精美的珠宝
» packaged in a fancy plastic case 别致的塑料盒子包装
【拓展】《摩登家庭》第一季第18集中,有句台词“I don’ t know if I’ m in the mood for something so fancy.我觉得我好像没心情去那么高档的地方。”所以,fancy常 用的第二个形容词意思“奢华的,昂贵的”。
» a fancy house 豪宅
» a fancy private school昂贵的私立学校
ingratiate /in'grejiet/ (disapproving) v.巴结,讨好
ingratiate oneself (with sb)讨好某人
» Many politicians are trying to ingratiate themselves with her. 许多政客都设法讨她的欢心。
sip /sip/ v.小口地喝,抿
doll (oneself) up 打扮得漂漂亮亮,花枝招展(informal): to make (yourself) attractive with makeup and fancy or stylish clothes
» doll up for a party:穿戴漂亮地去参加晚会
~ sth / ~ at sth
» He slowly sipped his wine.他慢酌浅饮。
presentable /pri'zmtabl/ adj.(尤指穿着)像样的,体面的 make oneself ~让自己看起来像样一点
» Jeremy was looking quite presentable in a suit and tie.
杰瑞米穿上西装打着领带看起来很体面。» a tweed jacket粗花呢短上衣tweed /twid/ n.杂色粗花呢
sensible adj.(衣服、鞋子)耐用的,朴素而实用的:Sensible shoes or clothes are practical and strong rather than fashionable and attractive.
frump /frAmp/ adj. (disapproving) a woman who wears clothes that are not fashionable 衣 着老式的女子,土包子
» She looked like a frump in her shapeless skirt and flat shoes.
她身穿一条松垮的裙子,脚踏一双平底鞋,看起来有点老土。 frumpy (女子或其衣着)过时的,古板的,土气的二dowdy
outdo oneself超过原水平;超水平发挥;尽自己最大的努力 outdo v.超过,胜过 (outdoes, outdoing, outdid, outdone) ~ sb in sth在某方面超过某人
exquisite /ek'skwizit/ adj. extremely beautiful or pleasant, especially in a delicate way. 精美 的,精致的(上文提过一个fancy也有此意)
» exquisite craftsmanship 精美的工艺
pinch pennies精打细算,省吃俭用
» There's no need to pinch pennies now that you're working full-time.
take one’s breath away = be breathtaking令人大吃一惊得 » a breathtaking view of the mountains 群山的壮丽景色
【派生】tighten one’ s belt勒紧裤腰带,节约
live within one’ s budget生活不超过预算
on a limit budget预算比较有限
splash out 挥霍
» Her clothes were clean but dowdy .她衣着整洁但有点 土气dowdy /'daodi/ adj. (inf.)(人或衣着)单调的,土气的,不时髦的 clothes are dull and unfashionable = frumpy
没人虐待我 No one's roughing me up
rough sb up 粗暴对待,殴打,对…动粗:To use physical violence against someone
» The crooks roughed up the old lady before taking her purse.
between you and me只限于咱俩之间,我们之间的秘密
也可以说 between ourselves; just between you and me and the bedpost or four
walls or gatepost or lamppost
» Between you and me, Stephanie is not as qualified for this job as she claims to be.
rain check: If you say you will take a rain check on an offer or suggestion, you mean that you do not want to accept it now, but you might accept it at another time. 单数名词 (眼 下无法接受时)推迟接受邀请,延期接受邀请 » Can I take a rain check on that?
take (one) down a peg (or two)杀杀威风,压压傲气
» It's about time that someone took Sarah down a peg. Her snotty rich-kid arrogance is intolerable!
make it to赶上,找到;到达;及时赶到;(时间上)赶得及
» We only made it to the concert a few minutes before it was supposed to begin.
» Juan made it to college, and graduated. Juan 上了大学,毕业了。
blotto /'blato/ (old-fashioned, informal) extremely drunk, especially to the point of losing consciousness烂醉如泥的
» I think you should call a cab for Tony一he's looking pretty blotto.
cut sb off这个短语意思比较多,在这里,联系后一句女主说“No more whiskey.”所以推 出此处的意思是:To stop serving one alcohol, typically because they are intoxicated. “中 断酒精供应”。名词或者代词可以放在cut off中间。
» They're going to cut off Tina if she keeps acting like that in here.
hold (down) the fort: To maintain the proper functioning or order of some situation or place, typically during someone's absence.代管,留守,守住阵地
» Don't worry, boss, I'll hold down the fort while you're away.
tribute to sb.(尤指对死者的)致敬,颂辞;悼念;致哀
mulch /mAltJZ a covering of decaying leaves that is spread over the soil in order to keep water in it or to improve it (为保持水分、肥沃土壤等用的)覆盖料(或物),覆盖层
at death's door 在鬼门关=the jaws of death/ the gate of hell
motor function 运动能力
motor adj.肌肉运动的;运动神经的:
» Both motor and sensory functions are affected.运动神经和感觉功能都受到影响。
rummage sale: an event at which old clothes, toys etc are sold as a way of getting money, for example to help a school or church【美】旧杂物义卖〔如为资助学校或教堂〕;
英国英语用jumble sale
sticky fingers: a tendency or inclination to steal things 偷盗习惯
» I think the new cashier we hired has sticky fingers, because money has begun disappearing from the till(钱柜)on the days that he's working.
reimburse /,riim'b*s/ (formal) v.补偿,偿还 ~ sb for sth
»The airline reimbursed me for the amount they had overcharged me.航空公司把多收的钱 退还给我了
heirloom /'alum/ n.祖传遗物,传家宝 » a family heirloom 传家宝
have a shot有机会 shot (inf.)尝试,努力
【拓展】have a shot at sth 试一试二 give it a shot
know the score: to understand the reality of a particular situation, often when that information is displeasing 了解事实,了然于心(通常指不好的事)
» Oh, I know the score—my older sisters are allowed to do things that I'm not.
kick sb to the curb 散伙,不在一起
» Drop that boy like a hot pot sticker. Kick him to the curb.把他当做烫手的锅贴那样扔 掉,别再想他了。


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