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[美剧剧本字幕] 致命女人第二季第一集中英对照剧本台词









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Why Women Kill S02E01 Script (致命女人第二季第一集中英对照剧本台词):
标题:"Secret Beyond the Door"--背后的秘密
1--Hollywood... 好莱坞
2--It's a town that's always attracted a certain kind of woman. 这个小镇总是吸引着某种女人
3--She arrives, ready to do battle... 她到达 准备好搏斗
4--... with lipstick and cleavage as her weapons of choice. 用口红和乳沟作为她的武器
5--She is confident of victory 她对胜利充满信心
6--because she knows what life has taught her... 因为她知道生活教会了她
7--... that beauty is power. 美丽就是权力
8--But this is not a story about a woman with power. 但这不是一个关于拥有权力的女人的故事
9--Oh, no. 不
10--This is about another kind of woman. 这讲的是另一种女人
11--The middle-aged housewife no one ever talks about. 没人谈及的中年家庭主妇
12--The drab sparrow no one has time for. 没人有空搭理的乏味妇女
13--The plain Jane who is never invited to the party. 没人邀请参加派对的素朴女人
14--She has no beauty to draw upon. 她没有美丽可言
15--No style. No grace. 没有风格 没有优雅
16--This timid creature moves through life... 这个害羞的生物一生
17--... as if invisible. 似乎都是隐形的
18--Still, she never complains. 但却从不抱怨
19--Years of neglect have taught her常年被忽视让她明白
20--not to expect too much from life. 不要对生活有太多指望
21--She's been told it's best to wait. 她被告知最好等待
22--That one day, "The meek shall inherit the Earth. "总有一天 "谦卑的人会继承地球"
23--Yes, this is the story of Alma Fillcot. 是的 这是艾尔玛·菲尔科特的故事
24--A very meek woman, who, one day... 一个极其谦卑的女人 有一天
25--... got tired of waiting. 她受够了等待
26--Alma Fillcot's journey from inconsequential to infamous艾尔玛·菲尔科特从无关紧要到声名狼藉的旅程
27--began with a story in the morning paper. 始于晨报里的一则报道
28--Her life began to change... 当另一个人的生命结束时
29--when someone else's life had ended. 她的生活开始改变
30--Bertram. Wake up. 伯特伦 醒醒
31--Vonda Van Essen is dead. 旺达·范·艾森死了
32--Who? 谁
33--She's the founder of the Elysian Park Garden Club. 她是极乐公园园艺俱乐部的创始人
34--It's considered the finest in Los Angeles. 被视作洛杉矶最顶级的俱乐部
35--And it's very exclusive. 很高端
36--The competition to get in is fierce. 入会竞争非常激烈
37--They never have more than 20 members at a time,会员总人数一次不超过二十人
38--but Vonda's death means there'll be an opening. 但旺达的死意味着会有一个空缺
39--Normally, I wouldn't dare to dream,通常我不敢做这种梦
40--but we both know I've done wonders with my garden. 但我们都知道我把花园打理得美不胜收
41--So, do you think I should apply? 你说我该申请吗
42--Do you think I have any hope at all of getting in? 你觉得我有希望入会吗
43--I think that the women in that club would be lucky我认为能拥有你这个成员
44--to have you as a member. 那些俱乐部女性会非常幸运
45--But they are all rich society types. 但她们都是富家太太
46--Their gardens are tended to by professionals. 她们的花园由专业人员打理
47--And if the competition is as fierce as you say, well... 如果竞争真有你说的那么激烈 恐怕...
48--You're right. 你说得对
49--It's idiotic to get my hopes up. Forget I mentioned it. 我抱希望太天真了 当我没说
50--Okay. 好
51--- Bye-bye. - Bye. -再见 -再见
52--Morning, Mom. 早上好 妈妈
53--Oh. Dee, you're up. Do you want breakfast? 小迪 你起来了 你想吃早餐吗
54--I'll just grab a bite at the diner. 我在餐馆随便吃点就行
55--Oh, hold on. Your hem's undone. 等一下 你的裙边松脱了
56--Let me fix it for you. 我帮你缝一下
57--I work behind a counter, Ma. Who's gonna see? 我都站在柜台后面 妈妈 谁会看见
58--Well, you might meet a nice man. 没准你会遇见个好男人呢
59--You don't want to seem sloppy. 你可不想显得邋遢
60--I'll ask Sue to fix it. 我会叫苏帮我缝好
61--She knows her way around a needle and thread. 她很擅长针线活儿
62--Don't insult me, Dee. 别侮辱我啊 小迪
63--I know how to sew a hem. 我会缝裙边
64--Heavens. Anyone can hem. 老天 是人都会缝边
65--So, I heard you talking to Daddy. 我听见你和爸爸说话
66--There's some club you want to join? 你想加入某个俱乐部吗
67--I see these Garden Club ladies every week at this bistro downtown. 我每周都在市中心酒馆看见那些园艺俱乐部的女士
68--I plan my shopping so I can walk by and get a look at them. 我特地规划购物路线 好路过看她们一眼
69--They're so chic. 她们好优雅
70--And they seem to have so much fun together. 而且她们在一起似乎很开心
71--I'd be happy every day of my life如果我有一群如此高雅的朋友
72--if I had a group of elegant friends like that. 我每天都会很快乐
73--So, how does someone join a club like that? 这种俱乐部怎么进呢
74--Oh, well, you have to be nominated by a current member. 需要现任成员提名
75--And then they vote. 然后集体投票
76--But I don't know any of those women. 可这些女人我一个也不认识
77--Except Rita Castillo, the club president. 我只认得丽塔·卡斯蒂罗 她是主席
78--I met her at your father's clinic. 我在你父亲的诊所见过她
79--Talk to her. I bet she'd help you. 去找她谈谈 她肯定会帮你
80--Oh, I don't know. 这可说不好
81--I've introduced myself to her a few times,我跟她打过好多次招呼
82--but she never seems to remember me. 她从来记不住我
83--Guess I'm just not very memorable. 大概我不是那种过目难忘的人
84--I say give it one more try. 要我说再试一次
85--- Nah, I'd just be wasting my time. - Maybe. -算了 纯粹是浪费时间 -也许是这样
86--But what's that old saying? 不过那句老话怎么说的
87--Nothing ventured, nothing gained. 不入虎穴 焉得虎子
88--There. 好了
89--Your hem is done. 边缝好了
90--Good, because I'm really late. 太好了 我已经迟到太久了
91--Dee? 小迪
92--How would I go about it? 我该怎么开口呢
93--I can't just walk up to Rita Castillo总不能走到丽塔·卡斯蒂罗面前
94--and say, "I'd like to join your club. "张口就说 "我要进你们俱乐部"
95--Can I? 这样不行吧
96--It's what a memorable woman would do. 过目难忘的女人就会这么说
97--It was the great irony of Alma's life. 艾尔玛生活的可笑之处在于
98--While she yearned for some kind of companionship,一边是她非常渴望陪伴
99--her husband had more friends than he knew what to do with. 而另一边她的丈夫却朋友多得应付不过来
100--Yes, everyone who knew Dr. Bertram Fillcot adored him. 是的 认识伯特伦·菲尔科特医生的人都喜欢他
101--Especially his patients. 特别是他的病患
102--Hello. Oh. 早上好
103--- Morning, Rona. - Morning, Doctor. -早 罗娜 -早 医生
104--Who's up first? 第一个是谁
105--Maisie Moran and Biscuit. 麦茜·莫兰和小饼干
106--Oh, dear. 老天
107--Is that today? 是今天啊
108--Hello, Mrs. Moran. 你好 莫兰女士
109--How you doing? 你好吗
110--Not so good, Doc. 不太好 医生
111--I was thinking, maybe we could wait a couple of weeks. 我本以为 我们能再拖几周
112--You know?  What's the rush? 你知道的 有什么着急的
113--Well, I understand, but... 我明白 但是
114--Biscuit is in terrible pain. 小饼干剧痛难忍
115--And, uh, I hate to see unnecessary suffering. 而我不愿看到无谓的痛苦
116--You're right. 你说得对
117--It's time. 是时候了
118--You play music for the animals? 你为动物播放音乐吗
119--Yes. It's important for me that their last moments be beautiful. 是的 它们临终时刻的美好对我来说很重要
120--Wow, Doc. 医生
121--You're so sweet. 你太温柔了
122--Okay. 好了
123--Sweet little Biscuit. 可爱的小饼干
124--You were always such a good boy. 你一直是乖宝宝
125--Your mother's right here with you, like she's always been. 你妈妈就在这陪着你 一如既往
126--You were an exceptional dog. 你是一只非凡的狗狗
127--And you need to know that your life had meaning. 你有必要知道你的人生有意义
128--You brought joy. 你带来了欢乐
129--You were loved. 你被人宠爱
130--And you will be remembered. 你也会被铭记
131--Hello there. 大家好
132--So sorry to intrude. 抱歉打扰了
133--I-I'm-I'm meeting a fellow gardening enthusiast after lunch,我... 我要在午后见一位园艺爱好者
134--and I brought this new bloom to show her. 然后把这支新开的花朵给她看
135--It's a Lady Marchbanks hybrid tea rose. 这是一支马奇班克斯夫人杂交茶玫瑰
136--Isn't it lovely? 很漂亮吧
137--I-I-I was sitting over there, at my table,我... 本来坐在那边 我的座位那里
138--and I looked up and I thought,然后我一抬头 就想
139--"Oh, my. Are those the Garden Club ladies? "天啊 那不是园艺俱乐部的女士们吗
140--Maybe they'd like to see it, too. "也许她们也想看看它"
141--I didn't want to disturb you. 我本不想打扰你们
142--I'm actually quite shy by nature. But here I am... 我其实天性挺腼腆的 但我还是来了
143--rose in hand. 手握玫瑰
144--Do I know you? 我认识你吗
145--Yes. 认识
146--Yes, we've actually met. Twice. 是的 我们其实见过 两次
147--She's your veterinarian's wife. 她是你兽医的老婆
148--That's me. 就是我
149--Alma Fillcot. 艾尔玛·菲尔科特
150--I know your cat Mr. Buttons. 我知道你的猫 小扣子
151--How nice. We have mutual friends. 真好 我们还有共同好友
152--Um, if any of you would like to try growing this rose,如果你们想试试种这种玫瑰
153--I do have some seeds here, in my purse,我这有种子 在我的包里
154--and I'm more than happy to... 我很乐意
155--Alma, I've just had a fun idea. 艾尔玛 我有个好主意
156--We're having a gathering at my place Saturday. 我们这周六在我家有个聚会
157--Why don't you come by? 不如你也来参加吧
158--Show us your little seeds then? 到时你再给我们展示种子
159--You're inviting me to a party? 你是在邀请我参加聚会吗
160--Because of Mrs. Von Essen's passing,因为范·艾森太太去世了
161--we're now calling it a memorial. 现在改叫悼念仪式了
162--Should I wear black? 我要穿黑衣服吗
163--Only if you want to look like a waiter. 除非你想穿得像服务员
164--Here you go. 坐下吧
165--Oh. Thank you! 谢谢你
166--I'll see you Saturday! 我们周六见
167--And just like that,就这样
168--Alma became enthralled with the goddess艾尔玛被女神
169--that was Rita Castillo. 丽塔·卡斯蒂罗深深吸引住了
170--She might have felt differently如果她了解丽塔的私生活
171--if she'd known about Rita's private life. 那她的感受多半会不同
172--Which was very sordid, indeed. 丽塔的私生活其实非常乱
173--Excuse me. 你好
174--I'm looking for Vern Loomis,我找维恩·卢米斯
175--the private investigator. 私家侦探
176--You found him. 我就是
177--And how can I help you, Miss... ? 有什么需要帮忙的吗 小姐
178--Mrs. Carlo Castillo. 卡洛·卡斯蒂罗女士
179--Can I trust you to be discreet? 我能相信你会保守秘密吗
180--For the right price, I can be quiet as a tomb. 如果价钱够高 我就能像墓地一般安静
181--Wonderful. 太好了
182--I hear your specialty is investigating infidelity. 听说你很擅长调查出轨
183--It's my bread and butter. 我就靠这个赚钱
184--You think your husband is cheating on you? 你觉得你丈夫对你不忠吗
185--No. 不
186--The man I need you to follow is my lover. 你要跟踪的是我的情人
187--So you're the cheater? 所以是你不忠
188--Only if you're working for my husband. 除非你是为我丈夫工作
189--This has been one hell of a lousy day. 今天真是糟透了
190--But you were real sweet in there. 但你刚才真的很贴心
191--Thank you, Doc. 谢谢你 医生
192--Look, forgive me for saying this, but, uh,请原谅我这么说 不过
193--I'm worried about your color. You look ever so tired. 你的脸色让我很担心 你看起来很疲惫
194--That's 'cause I work nights. 那是因为我晚上工作
195--I'm a singer down at the Maui Lounge. 我是毛伊酒廊的歌手
196--A chanteuse. 女歌手
197--You should drop by sometime. 你有空应该过来看看
198--I'm there all week. 我整个星期都在
199--Show starts at 10:00. 表演十点开始
200--It's, it's a bit late for us. 对我们来说有点晚
201--My wife and I tend to retire early. 我和我妻子喜欢早睡
202--Oh. You're married. 你结婚了
203--Happily? 幸福吗
204--Very. 很幸福
205--Like I said... 正如我说的
206--one hell of a lousy day. 今天糟透了
207--My lover's name is... 我的情人叫...
208--God help me, Scooter Polarsky. 我的天 斯库特·波拉斯基
209--That's his address and headshot. 这是他的地址和照片
210--An actor? 一个演员
211--Has he ever been in anything? 他有出演过什么吗
212--Besides debt? 除了债务
213--No. 没有
214--So you like to support the arts? 所以你喜欢支持艺术家
215--This is not some tawdry affair, Mr. Loomis. 这不是什么龌龊的婚外情 卢米斯先生
216--I care deeply about this young man. 我很关心这位年轻人
217--The guy you want me to tail? 你想让我跟踪的这家伙吗
218--Scooter is immature. 斯库特还不成熟
219--He has not yet grasped the importance of fidelity. 他还不明白忠诚的重要性
220--That's funny... 真有意思
221--coming from Mrs. Castillo. 这话从卡斯蒂罗女士口中说出
222--Carlo is a vile man with a weak heart. 卡洛是个心脏不好的臭男人
223--When we got married, he swore he wouldn't make it to 70. 我们结婚的时候他发誓自己活不到70岁
224--He's now 80. 现在他都80了
225--If he's not going to keep his wedding vows,既然他不履行自己的婚礼誓言
226--why should I? 那我为什么要遵守
227--Oh, Mrs. Yost. 约斯特太太
228--Good morning. 早上好
229--Are you, uh, familiar at all with the Elysian Park Garden Club? 你了解极乐公园园艺俱乐部吗
230--Oh, yeah. 了解
231--I used to know those broads. 我以前认识那群女的
232--Very la-di-da. Why? 非常做作 怎么了
233--Rita Castillo, the president,丽塔·卡斯蒂罗 俱乐部的主席
234--has invited me to a party. 邀请我去参加一个聚会
235--This time of year? 这个时候
236--Oh, no. 不对
237--She invited you to their annual fundraiser. 她是邀请你去参加年度筹款活动
238--A fundraiser? 筹款活动
239--Once a year, they open the gates每年她们会对外开放一次
240--and let the peasants gawk at their fancy flowers. 让韭菜来观赏她们精致的花卉
241--And they charge ten bucks for the privilege. 她们向参加活动的人收取10美元
242--Rita's going to charge me? 丽塔要收我的钱
243--Sorry to burst your bubble. 抱歉让你的美梦幻灭了
244--Well, you know what? 你知道吗
245--M-Maybe it's worth it. You know? 说 说不定是值得的
246--A spot's opened up in the club. 俱乐部有了一个空位
247--This could be a chance for me to meet some of the members我去了就有机会去认识一些会员
248--and ingratiate myself. 讨她们的欢心
249--Maybe one of them will want to nominate me. 说不定有人会愿意推荐我
250--Oh, honey. 亲爱的
251--What? 怎么
252--Why are you looking at me that way? 你为什么这样看着我
253--That club is an excuse for bored society types这个俱乐部不过是一群无聊的人
254--to gossip and sip Chablis in the afternoon. 在午后八卦喝酒的借口罢了
255--And they only do that with their own kind. 而且她们只和同类聚会
256--You're saying I won't fit in? 你是说我无法融入
257--Sweetie... 亲爱的
258--you're a housewife. 你是一名家庭主妇
259--So you dress for comfort. 所以你是为了舒适而着装
260--You do your own hair. 自己做头发
261--Your idea of dolling up你的时尚品味
262--is wearing lipstick to church. 只停留在涂着口红去做礼拜
263--You act like I'm not presentable. 你说得我好像很不得体似的
264--Check your closet. 看看你的衣橱
265--Got anything in there beside tweed and sensible shoes? 除了粗花呢的大号鞋以外还有别的吗
266--No. 没有
267--Because you're a frump,因为你是个老妈子
268--and there's nothing wrong with that. 这没什么不对的
269--But they don't let frumps但她们是不会让老妈子
270--into the Elysian Park Garden Club. 加入极乐公园园艺俱乐部的
271--Gigi, how's the party coming along? 吉吉 派对筹备得怎么样了
272--We made splendid progress. 我们取得了巨大的进展
273--I made those changes to the menu. 我对菜单做了一些修改
274--Excellent. 棒极了
275--And what about the music? 那音乐伴奏呢
276--This is Uta Klug,这位是乌塔·克鲁格
277--Poland's most famous concert harpist. 波兰最著名的竖琴演奏家
278--She's agreed to play Saturday. 她同意周六前来演奏
279--- Miss Klug, what an honor. - Thank you. -克鲁格小姐 我们荣幸至极 -谢谢
280--Ooh, and are those the dahlias? 那里是大丽花吗
281--Oh, Gigi. They're lovely. 吉吉 真是太美了
282--You've outdone yourself. 这次你真的超常发挥了
283--This will be my most elegant party ever. 这将是我有史以来举办的最优雅的派对
284--Hey, Rita! 丽塔
285--What do you want, Carlo?  ! 你要干什么 卡洛
286--Where the hell is my blue suit? 我那该死的蓝色西装呢
287--Give me a sec! I'm busy! 等我一下 我忙着呢
288--I need my suit. 我要我的西装
289--Yes, I can see that. 是的 显而易见
290--Would you put on some pants?  We have company. 能劳烦你穿上裤子吗 我们有客人在
291--Oh, will you relax? 放轻松
292--I haven't got anything我身上没有什么
293--that these ladies haven't seen before. 是在座的女士们没有见过的
294--Well, most of them, anyway. 总之大多数都见过
295--Bertie. 伯特
296--I ran into Rita Castillo today,我今天遇见丽塔·卡斯蒂罗了
297--and she invited me to a party. 她邀请我去参加一个聚会
298--All the Garden Club ladies will be there. 所有园艺俱乐部的女士都会去
299--And if I present well,如果我能留下好印象
300--I might have a real chance at being nominated. 也许我真有机会被提名
301--Oh, I see. 这样
302--Of course, I, I would need a new dress. 当然 我需要一条新裙子
303--Something exquisite. 很精致的那种
304--That will take people's breath away. 能惊艳全场
305--Right, right, and, uh... 好 好 那么...
306--how much do you think that would cost? 你觉得需要多少钱
307--Bertram, this is no time to pinch pennies. 伯特伦 这不是精打细算的时候
308--That club is filled with stylish women. 这个俱乐部全是时髦的女性
309--And I, on the other hand, am... 而我 正相反
310--drab and shabby. 了无生气 衣衫褴褛
311--If I have any hope of getting in,如果想得到机会加入
312--I have to be just as chic as they are. 我就必须和她们一样时髦
313--Yes. Of course. 是的 当然
314--Ah. Oh, what about the blue dress I bought you? 我给你买的那条蓝色裙子怎么样
315--Why can't you just wear that? 穿那个不行吗
316--Because no one ever remembers my name! 因为从没有人记得住我的名字
317--I go through life introducing myself我在生活里总是要跟
318--over and over to people that I've already met. 已经见过的人反复介绍自己
319--And when they finally do recall meeting me, they don't say,当他们终于想起来曾经见过我 他们不会说
320--"Oh, Alma. " No, I'm... "原来是艾尔玛" 不 我只是...
321--I'm the veterinarian's wife. 我只是那个兽医的妻子
322--I have got to start making an impression. 我必须开始给别人留下印象
323--I can't do that in some dowdy old blue dress. 靠那条过时的陈旧蓝裙子不可能做到
324--I need to be spectacular. 我要光彩照人
325--For once in my life. 哪怕就这一次
326--Here. 拿去
327--Take it all. 全部拿去
328--Really? 真的吗
329--Spend every last cent. 一分钱也别剩
330--I want people to remember your name. 我想要人名记住你的名字
331--Oh, Bertie. 伯特
332--Thank you. 谢谢
333--Thank you. 谢谢
334--Maybe it's time we turn in? 也许是时候去睡觉了
335--Oh. I couldn't possibly sleep now. 我现在怎么睡得着
336--I've got too much planning to do. 我有好多事要计划
337--Only got two days till the party. 离聚会就两天了
338--Two days to get a dress and shoes. 两天内要搞定裙子和鞋子
339--- I've got to have shoes. - Yes, shoes. -我得买鞋子 -对 鞋子
340--My Bertie... 我的伯特
341--You've made me so happy. 你让我好幸福
342--Lovely. 真好
343--Actually, I'm not that tired either. 我其实也不困
344--I might go for a walk. D-Do you mind? 我想出去走走 你介意吗
345--No, not at all. 一点也不
346--Lovely. 好的
347--* To the sunny side of the street **去街道阳光明媚的那一边*
348--* Can't you hear a pitter-pat?  **你听不到雨声吗*
349--* And that happy tune is your step **那快乐的调子是你的步伐*
350--* Life can be so sweet **生活可以很温馨*
351--* On the sunny side **在阳光明媚的那一边*
352--* On the sunny side **在阳光明媚的那一边*
353--* On the sunny **阳光明媚*
354--* Sunny side of the Street. **在街道阳光明媚的那一边*
355--I can't believe you came, Doc. 你竟然来了 医生
356--Curiosity got the better of me. 禁不住好奇心的驱使
357--Thanks, Sid. 谢谢 希德
358--You're looking at my bruises. 你在看我的淤青
359--I, I'm sorry. I shouldn't stare. 抱歉 我不该看的
360--Relax. 淡定
361--No one's roughing me up. 没人打我
362--I got a condition. 我得了一种病
363--So... where's your wife tonight? 你妻子今晚在哪
364--She not a music lover? 她不喜欢音乐吗
365--She's just had, uh, a lot on her mind lately. 她最近有很多心事
366--Everything but you, huh? 就是不包括你 是吗
367--Don't get me wrong. 别误会
368--I do love her. 我爱她
369--Yet here you are. 但你还是来了
370--Yet here I am. 但我来了
371--It's getting late. 挺晚的了
372--Come on, Doc. 别这样 医生
373--Have one more drink with Maisie. 再跟麦茜喝一杯
374--All right, yes, one-one more. 好吧 就一杯
375--Hey, Sid. 希德
376--Evening, Mister. 晚上好 先生
377--Welcome to the Orange Grove Diner. 欢迎来到橙树林餐馆
378--Our special tonight is meatloaf,今晚的特色菜是肉卷
379--but between you and me, it's not that special. 但悄悄告诉你 也没什么特色
380--Yeah, I'll just, uh, I'll just have some coffee. 好吧 那我就 我就点杯咖啡吧
381--Wise choice. How do you like it? 明智的决定 什么口味的咖啡
382--Blonde and sweet. 金发甜美的
383--We're talking about coffee. Right? 说的是咖啡吧
384--Yeah, that's just, uh,是的 这只是
385--it's my fancy way of saying cream and sugar. 我表达加奶油和糖的高级方式
386--Cute. 真可爱
387--You know, that paper you're pretending to read is two days old. 你装模作样看的报纸是两天前的
388--So it is. 没错
389--Well, you got something newer? 有什么新一点的东西看吗
390--Well, I just finished this. 我刚看完这个
391--Give it a try. 要不试试
392--Masters of Crime. 《犯罪大师》
393--Huh. You read this stuff? 你喜欢看这个
394--Oh, I love a good murder. 我可喜欢看精彩的谋杀故事
395--The bloodier, the better. 越血腥越好
396--See... 那个
397--violence doesn't bother me. 我不介意暴力
398---Is that so?  -Yeah. -真的吗 -是啊
399--Keep that in mind when you tip me. 给小费的时候可别忘了这点
400--* Life can be so sweet **在街道阳光明媚的那一边*
401--* On the sunny side Of the street. **生活可以很温馨*
402--That was Joe's favorite song. 这是乔最爱的歌曲
403--He was my brother. 他是我弟弟
404--Died in the war. 死于战争
405--Oh. I'm so sorry. 我很遗憾
406--Got any other family? 你有其他家人吗
407--Nope. He was the last one. 没有 他是最后一个
408--Don't got many friends left either. 我也没剩多少朋友
409--But, hey... 但是
410--I got you now. 我现在有你了
411--You certainly do. 是啊
412--Want to come up? 要上来吗
413--Have a nightcap? 睡前喝一杯
414--It's late, yeah. 有点晚了
415--I have work in the morning. 我早上还要工作
416--Rain check? 改天再约
417--Yeah. Yes. 好的
418--Madam? 夫人
419--Found anything you like? 有您喜欢的吗
420--Yes. Well, everything in here is just... 有 这里的一切都
421--stunning. 太美了
422--just out of curiosity,就是出于好奇
423--do you have anything in a... 这儿有
424--a slightly lower price range? 稍微便宜一点的样式吗
425--Not really. 基本没有
426--Are you sure?  I... 真的吗 我...
427--I'm on a somewhat limited budget. 我预算有限
428--We have a saying here: "If you cannot afford fashion,我们这里的说法是 "如果买不起时装
429--you must settle for clothes. "就只好将就穿衣服"
430--I'll take four yards of this fuchsia taffeta. 这条紫红色塔夫绸我要4码
431--You know, I'm going to an elegant garden party on Saturday,我周六要参加一场精致的园艺聚会
432--on Saturday, and I need to be noticed. 我得引人注目
433--This should do it. 那这应该可以
434--You drink too much. 你喝太多了
435--Do I? 是吗
436--It makes you do ugly things. 这会让你做出丑恶之事
437--Like humiliate me in front of the help. 比如在佣人面前羞辱我
438--I like taking you down a peg我喜欢在你扮贵妇人的时候
439--when you're, uh, playing the Grand Lady. 灭灭你的威风
440--It's the role you hired me for. 你雇我就是要我扮演这角色
441--You were late, uh, getting home yesterday. 你昨天很晚才回家
442--Where did you go? 你去哪了
443--I had a dress fitting in Bel Air. 我去贝莱尔试裙子了
444--Liar. 说谎
445--I checked your car's odometer. 我看了你车上的里程表
446--You drove three times that far. 你开的距离是去那里的三倍
447--Oh, now you're checking my mileage? 你现在还查我的英里数了
448--You have a lover. 你有个情人
449--I know it. 我知道
450--Lord. 老天
451--We haven't made it to dessert, and you're already blotto. 我们还没吃到餐后甜点 你就已经醉了
452--I'll bet he's young and pretty and, uh, for sale. 他肯定年轻英俊 而且可以花钱买到
453--Just like you were. 就像你以前一样
454--I'm not listening to this. 我不要听你说这些疯话
455--It must be tough... 一定很难受吧
456--getting old. 人老珠黄
457--Having to pay不得不花钱买
458--for what you used to sell. 你以前出卖的东西
459--That's it. 够了
460--You pathetic son of a bitch. 你这个可悲的混蛋
461--I'm cutting you off. 我不让你喝了
462--No more whiskey. 不准再喝威士忌
463--He'll turn out to be more expensive than you ever were. 他最终会比你以前的身价贵多了
464--Because when I catch you, he'll cost you everything. 因为等我抓到你偷腥 他会害你失去一切
465--Go ahead. 继续喝吧
466--Drink the whole bottle. See if I care. 把整瓶喝光好了 我才不在乎
467--Nice try, Mendoza. 想得美 门多萨
468--But I want the money and the dame. 但我要钱也要美人
469--Nice try, Mendoza. 想得美 门多萨
470--But I want the money and the dame. 但我要钱也要美人
471--Hello? 喂
472--Scooter... 斯库特
473--there's been a change of plans. 计划有变
474--No. 不
475--Oh, no. 糟了
476--No, the needle. 不 针断了
477--No. 不
478--What? 什么
479--You're still up? 你还没睡
480--It's almost 4:00. 都快四点了
481--My dress isn't finished yet, and the party's tomorrow. 我的裙子还没做好 明天就是聚会了
482--I found this up in the attic. 我在阁楼上找到了这个
483--Do you know where it came from? 你知道这是哪来的吗
484--Maybe it was Grandma's. 可能是奶奶的吧
485--Did you ask Dad? 你问爸了吗
486--He's asleep. 他睡了
487--The tag says "February 14, 1945"标签上写着 "1945年2月14日"
488--and it's got the name "Enid Dolan" Written on it. 然后还标着伊尼德·多兰这个名字
489--That's odd. 好奇怪
490--Well, it's in our attic. 是在咱家阁楼发现的
491--Guess it's yours now. 那就是属于你的了
492--- Good night. - Good night. -晚安 -晚安
493--Hello, lover. 你好 爱人
494--Are you sure this is safe? 你确定这么干安全吗
495--Relax. 放心
496--Carlo's upstairs, dead drunk. 卡洛在楼上醉死过去了
497--It's just, these are nice digs. 只不过 这里都是好东西
498--I'd hate to see you get evicted. 我不想见到你被轰出去
499--What if we did get caught? 如果我们真被抓住了怎么办
500--Would I lose my appeal if I didn't have Carlo's money? 没有了卡洛的钱 我对你来说还有吸引力吗
501--You think your only appeal is your money? 你认为你唯一有吸引力的地方是你的钱
502--I thought a house this size might have some mirrors in it. 我还以为这么大的房子总会有几面镜子
503--Oh, that was sweet. Thank you. 你嘴真甜 谢谢
504--To tell you the truth... 跟你说实话...
505--I'm not that thirsty. 我其实没那么渴
506--Rita? 丽塔
507--Carlo? 卡洛
508--Are you up? 你醒了
509--Who's down there? 谁在楼下
510--I hear a man. 我听到男人的声音
511--It was just the radio. 那只是广播的声音
512--Go back to bed. 回床上去吧
513--I got you. 我抓到你了
514--I got you. Got you. Got you. 我抓到你了 抓到你了 抓到你了
515--Darling, we just heard Carlo's in the hospital. 亲爱的 我们刚刚听说卡洛住院了
516--What happened? 发生了什么
517--Oh, he took a nasty fall down the stairs last night他昨天晚上不幸从楼梯上摔下来了
518--and had a stroke. 引发了中风
519--The doctors aren't sure he'll make it. 医生不确定他能不能挺过去
520--Oh, Rita, you-you should go to him. 丽塔 你应该去陪着他
521--We'll-we'll hold the fort down here. 这里有我们撑着场面
522--The last thing you want to do today is host a memorial for Vonda. 今天你肯定不想给旺达举办悼念仪式
523--No. 是的
524--This is now a tribute to Carlo. 现在这也是致敬卡洛
525--And the garden he loved so very much. 还有他珍爱的花园
526--Excuse me. 不好意思
527--May I pour Madam a glass of wine? 请问夫人要来杯酒吗
528--Are you insane? 你疯了吗
529--My husband just had a stroke. 我丈夫刚刚中风了
530--He's at death's door. 他性命垂危
531--Put it in a teacup. 倒进茶杯里
532--Thank you. 谢谢
533--Very much. 非常感谢
534--Excuse me. 不好意思
535--Alma? 艾尔玛
536--Are you all right? 你还好吗
537--Rita. Yes. 丽塔 当然了
538--I'm fine. 我没事
539--I was just admiring your flowers. 我只是在欣赏你的花
540--They're, they're glorious. 它们漂亮极了
541--Thanks. 多谢
542--You have mulch in your bow. 你蝴蝶结里有些护根
543--So I do. 是啊
544--Can't take me anywhere. 瞧我真是的
545--So... 所以说...
546--splendid party. 真是场盛宴啊
547--Are you having fun? 你玩得开心吗
548--My husband had a stroke last night. 我丈夫昨晚中风
549--- He might not survive. - Oh, dear. -他可能活不下来 -天呐
550--I started the day convinced I would never laugh again. 我今早本来以为我再也笑不出来
551--And then... 然后
552--you walked in, wearing that frock. 你走了进来 穿着那罩袍
553--Oh, bless you, Alma. 上帝保佑你 艾尔玛
554--You're late. 你迟到了
555--Sorry, Scooter. 抱歉 斯库特
556--It's Alma, right? 是艾尔玛 对吗
557--Yes. That's me. 是的 就是我
558--Alma Fillcot. 艾尔玛·菲尔科特
559--Grace Burk. I'm glad you could make it. 格蕾丝·博克 很高兴你能来
560--Oh, me, too. 我也是
561--Yeah, everything is just... 这里的一切
562--lovely. 都好美
563--Do I still have mulch in my bow? 我蝴蝶结里还有护根吗
564--No, forgive me. 没有 抱歉
565--I-I was just looking at that cameo you're wearing. 我是在看你戴的那颗浮雕宝石
566--It's pretty, isn't it? 很漂亮吧
567--My Aunt Enid had one just like it. 我姨妈伊尼德有一颗跟这个一样的
568--- Enid?  - My mother's sister. -伊尼德 -我妈妈的姐姐
569--She died, um, four years ago now. 她四年前去世
570--On Valentine's Day. 情人节那天
571--That's, um, February 14, isn't it? 是2月14号 对吗
572--I remember because I had gotten her some candy. 我记得是因为我当时给她买了糖果
573--Then I walked into her home and I found her,然后我去她家 发现她
574--well, dead on the sofa. 死在了沙发上
575--I'm, I'm very sorry. 我很遗憾
576--Oh, my good... I don't believe it. 我的天 难以置信
577--Bet-Betsy is here. 贝琪来了
578--Excuse me, Alma. 失陪了 艾尔玛
579--Betsy. 贝琪
580--A waiter said you wanted to see me. 一个服务员说你想见我
581--The doctor from the hospital is on the phone. 医院的一个医生来电
582--He needs to talk to you. 他找你
583--Hello, Doctor. 你好 大夫
584--This is Mrs. Castillo. 我是卡斯蒂罗夫人
585--Any news about my husband? 我的丈夫怎么样了
586--We've done some tests. 我们做了一些检测
587--The stroke he suffered was very serious. 他的中风很严重
588--And... 所以
589--But he's a fighter. 但他意志力很顽强
590--His vital signs are getting stronger by the hour. 他的生命体征每小时都在好转
591--Stronger? 好转
592--He may not regain his speech or basic motor function. 他可能再也说不了话 无法动弹
593--But with home nursing and loving care from you,但只要你在家精心护理 照料
594--he could live another 20 years. 再活20年不是问题
595--No! No! No! No! No! 不不不
596--Excuse me, Mrs. Burk. 打扰一下 伯克夫人
597--Sorry. 你好
598--I wanted to give you this. 我想给你这个
599--Your cameo? 你的浮雕宝石
600--- Don't be silly. - No, I, I... -不用了 -不 我 我
601--I think it was your aunt's. 我认为这是你姨妈的
602--Read the inscription. 看上面刻的字
603--I, I don't understand. H-How... ? 我不明白 怎么会
604--Oh, I, I, I bought it. 我 我买下的
605--Years ago, at a rummage sale. 多年前 清仓拍卖时看中了
606--At my church. 在我的教堂里
607--And here I always thought我一直认为
608--one of her nurses had sticky fingers. 是照理她的护士偷的
609--W-Well, obviously I will reimburse you. 我这就把钱补给你
610--What did you pay for it? 花了多少钱
611--Don't be silly. It's a family heirloom. 不用了 这可是传家宝
612--It was an honor to return it. 能让它物归原主我也很高兴
613--It's-it's late. I have to go. 很晚了 我要走了
614--So, excuse me. 再见
615--It's nice to... 很开心
616--Was that the veterinarian's wife? 那是兽医的妻子吗
617--Her name is Alma. 她叫艾尔玛
618--And she is just the sweetest little thing. 她真的太善良了
619--I wonder if she'd be interested in joining our club. 不知道她是否有兴趣加入我们的俱乐部
620--That sure was nice. 真爽
621--And then some. 岂止是爽
622--Go ahead. 接吧
623--You don't want to keep your rich girlfriend waiting. 别让你的富家女友等太久了
624--Hello. 你好
625--It's my agent. 是我的经纪人
626--Oh, no. That's all right, Max. 不 没关系 麦克斯
627--Yeah, it wasn't much of a part anyway. 本来也不是什么大角色
628--All right. Bye. 好的 拜拜
629--The story about Lana Turner getting discovered at Schwab's... 拉娜·特纳在施瓦布药店被星探挖掘的故事
630--it's a lie. 那是一个谎言
631--Careers take time. You just got to be patient. 事业要慢慢发展 你一定要耐心
632--You really think I have a shot? 你真的认为我有机会吗
633--Oh. With that kisser? 凭你那张脸
634--Of course you do. 你当然有机会
635--I wish my rich lady friend was nice like you. 真希望我那位富家小姐像你一样好
636--She pays your bills. 她为你付账单
637--She doesn't have to be nice. 所以她不一定要人好
638--I feel really bad making you dress like that. 真的很抱歉要让你穿成那样
639--But if my lady friend found out about us... 但如果我女朋友发现我们
640--It's okay, Scoot. 没关系 斯库特
641--I know the score. 我知道孰轻孰重
642--Who knows? 谁知道呢
643--Maybe I'll kick her to the curb one day. 也许哪天我会踹了她
644--And then you and I will... 那样我们就
645--Do me a favor. 帮我一个忙
646--Don't make promises you'll never keep. 别做出你兑现不了的诺言
647--Hello. 你好
648--Doc. 医生
649--What are you doing here? 你来这里做什么
650--Well, I was in the neighborhood. 我恰巧在附近
651--Thank you. 谢谢
652--Come on in. 进来吧
653--I wish I'd known you were coming. 如果我知道你会来就好了
654--The place is in such a state. 我这里太乱了
655--No. No, everything's fine. 不 没事 一切都挺好的
656--I'll just go put these in some water. 我去把它们放进水里
657--Sure. 好的
658--Oh, yeah. 对
659--I've been seeing some doctor. 我最近在看医生
660--He says I got cirrhosis. 他说我得了肝硬化
661--It seems I'm dying. 我可能快死了
662--I know. 我知道
663--What do you mean you know? 什么意思
664--You're tired. 你面露倦色
665--Your skin is jaundiced. You have bruises. 皮肤发黄 身上还有淤青
666--Way I see it... 在我看来...
667--... we all got to die. 人终有一死
668--Sooner or later, right? 不过是早晚的问题 对吧
669--Yes. 是的
670--That's why we need to enjoy ourselves while we can. 所以我们要及时行乐
671--Chateau Bridgette. 布丽奇特酒庄的酒
672--It's a rather good year. 年份挺不错的
673--Doc. 医生
674--You shouldn't have. 不该这么破费的
675--You sit. 你坐
676--I'll pour. 我来倒酒
677--I didn't know you were in the Ziegfeld Follies. 没想到你还进过齐格飞歌舞团
678--Honey, what you don't know about me is a lot. 亲爱的 你不知道我的事还很多
679--I started as a chorus girl. 我一开始是合唱团的
680--Did a whole number,唱了一整首曲子
681--coming down a long staircase,从长长的台阶上走下
682--never looking down, not even once. 不能向下看 一眼都不行
683--"Eyes out to the audience. ""目视观众"
684--That's what Mr. Ziegfeld always said. 齐格飞先生总这么说
685--I feel funny. 我感觉有点怪
686--- The room is spinning. - Let me help you. -房间在旋转 -我来扶你
687--Something's happening to me, Doc. 我有点不舒服 医生
688--It's just the sedative I put in your wine. 我在你的酒里放了镇静剂
689--It's relaxing you. That's all. 帮你放松 仅此而已
690--I can barely move. 我不能动了
691--Don't try and talk. 别动也别说话
692--You know, it's, uh, it's funny. 说来好笑
693--We take such good care of our pets. 我们精心照顾我们的宠物
694--When a dog or cat is ready to die... 当一只狗或者猫要死的时候
695--... we help them. 我们会帮助它们
696--I'm very much of the opinion 我坚定认为
697--we should show human beings the same kindness. 我们应该对人类展现出同样的仁慈
698--The disease you have is awful. 你患的疾病很糟糕
699--The end will come slowly... 死亡会来得很缓慢
700--cruelly. 残酷
701--Hearing you have no family, no one to take care of you. 听说你没有家人 没人来照顾你
702--I couldn't just stand idly by and do nothing. 我无法坐视不管
703--You were an exceptional woman. 你是个非凡的女人
704--You need to know that your life had meaning. 你有必要知道你的人生有意义
705--You brought joy. 你带来了欢乐
706--You were loved. 你被人宠爱
707--And you will be remembered. 你也会被铭记
708--Alma? 艾尔玛


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