- 凯莉的羡慕:凯莉表达了对阿玛莉塔的羡慕,突显了她对奢华、轻松生活的看法。“富人、名牌服装和迷人度假村的模糊”描绘了看似无忧无虑的生活的魅力,为讨论实现这种生活的牺牲和伦理困境奠定了基础。
- 身份的难题:凯莉对“职业女友”和“普通职业”之间区别的反思提出了身份和社会期望的问题。这挑战了对女性角色的传统看法,以及她们为实现成功可能付出的代价。
- 萨曼莎的赋权观点:萨曼莎主张女性有权使用一切手段获取权力。这一大胆的声明反映了对女性自主权更为进步和无所畏惧的态度,强调在父权社会中,女性必须在现有权力结构中穿行,即使这涉及使用她们的性别魅力。
- 米兰达的道德关切:米兰达关于避免“睡着走上顶端”的评论引入了对话的道德维度。它质疑将身体作为晋升工具的伦理,暗示一些界限不应被越过。
- 夏洛特对剥削的关注:夏洛特的反应指出了这些动态中可能存在的剥削,强调这样的行为可能会削弱真正的成就,并加强对女性的负面刻板印象。
- 合法与伦理:萨曼莎最后提到利用男性的合法性,突显了讨论中的关键紧张关系——尽管一些行为在法律上是可允许的,但其伦理含义依然复杂。这一区别进一步引发了对在竞争环境中道德的反思,以及个人在追求成功过程中所做的选择。
Carrie:l envied Amalita. 我羡慕艾玛莉塔
------>> Her life was a blur of rich men, 她的生活由有钱人、名牌服饰
------>> designer clothes and glamorous resorts. 以及迷人的度假胜地交织而成
------>> She didn't actually work for a living, yet possessed a dazzling sexual power 她不需要工作赚钱 却靠着自身魅力
------>> that she exploited to her full advantage, 发挥得淋漓尽致
------>> which presented a certain conundrum. 这便浮现了一个问题
------>> Where's the line between professional girlfriend 究竟称职的女友 和以当女伴为专职
------>>and just plain professional? 两者之间的界线是什么?
Samantha: Women have the right to use every means to achieve power. 女人有权不择手段获得权力
Miranda: Short of sleeping their way to the top.
Samantha: Not if that's what it takes to compete. -除了上床之外 -如果必要又有何不可
Charlotte: But that's exploitation! -
Samantha: Of men, which is perfectly legal. -那是一种剥削 -对男人,这完全合法
A blur of something:it refers to two or more elements blend together. (两个以上元素交织在一起)
Exploit sth to one's advantage:to take full advantage of a situation, resource, or opportunity in order to benefit oneself. (充分利用某事以获得优势)
Conundrum [kə'nʌndrəm] :a confusing and difficult problem or question that often presents a puzzling challenge (难题、谜题)
Use sth at one's disposal:to utilize resources, tools, or options that are available to someone for their benefit or purpose. (充分利用某人所掌握的资源)
Exploitation [ˌeksplɔɪ'teɪʃn]: the act of using someone or something unfairly or unethically for personal gain or advantage. (剥削、榨取)